The REAL reason why EMPIRE is the worst show EVER! "Tom Foolery"

"Don't look at us sideways bruh! They paid us well for this foolishness!" 
Confucius once said, "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." Martin Luther King Jr. broke it down like this, "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Then Frederick Douglas spit some real fire when he said, "Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." 

Well's one thing for poverty to be enforced or ignorance to prevail but when a boy helps to organize the conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade then we've got a serious problem. The show "Empire" that comes on every Wednesday night on Fox on PRIME TIME TELEVISION has the be one of the most ignorant shows portrayin' black folks to EVER be produced! When I say that they're doin' way too much! They're doin' way too much!! Just tell the freakin' the story playboy! We don't need all of the extra graphics! The sad part about it is that the black folks that are defendin' this foolishness can't see that they've been set up by the very duns that they accuse of slantin' the news to the right that continuously paints them as whiners and boyz makin' up charges of racism! 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The story line of the show is great! However, for a television show bein' broadcast in prime time on regular TV shouldn't have graphic love scenes and language that makes a boy cringe that has kids. Just tell me the freakin' story bruh! I don't need to see boyz or girlz or both gettin' it in on PRIME TIME TV! This ain't cable! 

And don't tell me that kids shouldn't be watchin' TV at 9 o'clock in the evenin' because they do and they will! I've got 2 of them and all of their friends are watchin' this foolishness too and talkin' about it at school. Kids are kids and when you give them information and graphics that they aren't mature enough to digest. You create little monsters that don't know what to do with the information that you just gave them. So guess what playa? They start experiementin' and openin' up a whole can of worms that they can't eat.

Here's the sucka that can't see the forest for the trees, "Jay you hatin' bruh! It's a great show that shows real life situations!" Oh yeah bruh! There are all types of real life situations that occur in the real world that shouldn't be shown on regular TV. That's what they make cable for. A dun stickin' a needle full of heroin in his arm is real life too. I don't wanna see it! A boy smokin' crack and abusin' his wife and kids is real life too! I don't wanna see it! Even a dun makin' love to his wife is real life but I don't wanna see it on prime time television!

Just like I don't want to tune into a show in prime time and see some cat gettin' up from his knees in an elevator out from underneath a woman's dress wipin' his mouth like a boy did on the season finale of Empire. Why? Because it's way over the top, ignorant and simply too much. I know that it's real life but do we really need to see it? And on some real talk that's only real life for some fool that has no respect for women. In an elevator bruh? Really? 

Here's the piece that all of you cats that are defendin' this foolishness that Lee Daniels is feedin' you are missin'. Fox is broadcastin' it! The same duns that will tell you that racism doesn't exist and that you're makin' it all up. The same cats that are so far to the right in their views that they've all but cut their left arms off. Why is it that they're producin' a show about the very folks that they make a fool of on their network news show all day everyday? Neither ABC, NBC or CBS touched it with a ten foot pole! Why? Because it's a cable show, not a prime time regular TV joint. But Fox jumped at the chance to put money behind some nonsense that perpetuates the ratchetness of black folks.   

Say what you want about ole dull Bill Cosby but that dun gave millions of black kids my age something to dream about and something to reach for when he produced the "Cosby Show" and "A Different World" in the mid to late '80's. Now that dun may have been a freak on the low but we didn't see it and if he's guilty of that foolishness then he should be locked up for it. However, the Cosby Show opened the minds of so many ghetto black kids that hadn't ever seen two educated professional parents married and raisin' their kids together in love! So many of my peers had never seen that before. It's because of that show that I know so many black couples now that mirror the Cosby Show (black doctor and lawyer married). 

Every Thursday night as a student at Indiana University my dorm room would be full of other kids that looked like me watchin' those two shows. "A Different World" was about black kids attendin' college and goin' through all of the same things we were goin' through at Indiana or wherever boyz happened to go to school. It gave us hope to become better and more successful than our parents. Now we've got folks that look like us hookin' up with boyz that don't care about us to produce shows that give us nothin' but Tom Foolery and 99 percent of us are defendin' it. 

Now Empire isn't the only show out here doin' damage to the psychology of our young people ! It's shows like "House Wives of Atlanta" where none of these broads are even wives and all they do is fight! Then you've got foolishness like "Love and Hip Hop" where nobody's really in love and nobody's even relevant to hip hop today. 

So I can't just blast Fox and Lee Daniels! I've gotta blast black folks for supportin' this foolishness that is poisonin' the minds of our young people. The sad thing about it is that if there was a positive show on TV today that portrays us like the Cosby Show did it would get cancelled because boyz wouldn't support it. Why? Because all knuckleheads wanna watch is Tom Foolery and chicks fightin' and destroyin' each other's character. Just because something is real doesn't mean that we need to put it on prime time television. Why? Because I can guarantee you that some idiot kid went to school today and got on his knees because Empire made it look cool last night. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Fire: noun - important information 
3)  Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about! 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: TheJayGraveReport
Instyagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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