Why boyz shouldn't be surprised Dwight Howard is whinin' again! "Buster Brown"

"Man I'm so ready to go bruh!" 
Tony Robbins once said, "For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent." Aldous Huxley gave it to us like this, "Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead." Then Tony fired right back at a boy when he spit, "In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently."

Well playas...one thing for sure and two is for certain, Dwight Howard, better known as "Buster Brown" on TheJayGravesReport has consistently shown himself to be a buster! You already know that you can count on ole boy to be a sucka when all of the lollipops have left the buildin'. It's been reported that this dun is now unhappy in Houston because he's tired of playin' second fiddle to The Beard! Then he jumps out of the birthday cake and tries to refute the claims that he's not happy and wants to bounce. He's callin' them lies and rumors. Sound familiar bruh? 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This cat is the epitome of bein' a big ole soft Baby Huey or better yet Pee Wee Herman, Alfalfa, Steve Urkel, both Arnold's: Horseshack & Football Head, Revenge of the Nerd or the just plain ole kick me sign wearin' type cat that nobody respects in the hood. Are we surprised that this dun is whinin' again? Remember when Orlando had the chance in 2012 right before the All-Star break to move that dun and they didn't? He hustled them into keepin' him after the trade dead line only to start whinin' to leave again. Remember that? Then he pushed for Van Gundy's head on a platter like the Apostle Paul's only to deny that he even asked for it. I know you gotta remember that?

Now superstars have been runnin' boyz out of town for years! Magic push Paul Westhead out of LA like ole Eddie Cain only to get Pat Riley. So I get it bruh! But he was dedicated to stayin' there to win championships and that he did. He didn't push a boy out of the door and then bounce too. That's a Buster Brown move! 

Then he ran out to LA to sign with the Lakers but wouldn't sign a long term joint! Again, I get it! He was weighin' his options and if LA was sucka enough to sign him without a long term deal why not? But when the dun wouldn't agree to the long term joint by the trade deadline in February of 2013 who were the suckas? The Lakers!  Mitch Kupchek fell for the ole banana in the tail pipe and wouldn't trade him hopin' that he'd stay. However, Busters are consistent playa! You gotta know that! 

So in July of that same year when he became an unrestricted free agent and he dipped! Why? Because he's consistent! And the dull Lakers got nothin' in return for his services; zero, nadda, zip or in my Bernie Mac Players Club voice, "Notin!, Notin!" 

Therefore,  once that dun starts hollerin' or even whisperin' that he's unhappy and wants to bounce you gotta start tryin' to unload his butt. And that's the edited version. Why? Because we've seen this movie twice before, in Orlando and in LA. 

The Lakers offered this cat to a 5 year deal worth $118 million bruh! That was $30 million more that anybody else was willin' to put on the table. He turned that down because he didn't wanna play with Kobe! Okay, I understand a boy not wantin' to fool with Kobe because that dun still thought that he was the No.1 option. It is what it is. I'm not mad at a boy for not signin' with LA because it's a dumpster fire out there.   

So he went to Houston and now he's upset that The Beard is the man! What's the problem pimpin'? I know that you don't think that you're supposed to be the freakin' man? It's the NBA in 2015!!! The game has changed playboy! The big ain't the man anymore! Unless you can shoot and play on the perimeter you can forget about bein' the first option! You better get in where you fit in playa and stop whinin'. But when a boy has buster DNA ain't nothin' you can do to change him. 

He'll go somewhere else and be the same dude there too. Whinin' that he's not the man but won't make the sacrifice to step his game up. There is very little use for a dun that can ONLY play in the blocks in today's NBA! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Eddie Cain: noun - the dun in the movie "Five Heartbeats" that got kicked out of the group for missin' shows and doin' drugs. 
4) Dip: verb - to leave

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!   

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