How Bo Ryan just ran hustle on boyz like Steve Spurrier and BobbyKnight! "Dip"

"You already know but don't tell anybody bruh!"
Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Learned helplessness is the giving-up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that whatever you do doesn't matter." Douglas MacArthur gave it to us like this, "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul." Then of all people, Mr. Dull himself, Lance Armstrong, hit boyz in the dome with some serious fire when he spit, "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever."

Well playas...we wake up this mornin' to another dull coach quittin' on his team in the middle of the freakin' season! Bo Ryan announced that he would be retirin' effective immediately as the head basketball coach at Wisconsin after his team beat Texas A &M-Corpus Christi on Tuesday night. For all of you simple minded individuals that means that the dun was bouncin' after he finished tellin' boyz what he was doin'.

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This dun just quit on his team playa! Don't try to spin it like boyz did when Steve Spurrier quit on South Carolina! That dun quit too! Why? Because he was losin'! Just like Bobby Knight's ole dull butt did at Texas Tech. And that's the edited version! Bo Ryan ran out of the joint because he's gettin' the brakes beat off of him this year and he doesn't want to deal with it so it's easier for him to dip than to stick it out. Wisconsin is 7-5 ALREADY bruh accordin' to ESPN! I don't watch Wisconsin basketball because it's too borin'' to stomach. 

Why? Because they don't have any brothers! How on earth in this day and age at a state school can you have a basketball team and only have two brothers? Wisconsin is just a little more than an hour from Milwaukee and Chicago! Stop it! You sound crazy tryin' to defend him. There are more brothers playin' at Yale and Harvard than at Wisconsin playboy! I said that last year and boyz went NUTS! In order to assemble a basketball team at a state school with 2 brothers it has to be intentional! Yes, Bo was winnin' but to consistently only have 1 or 2 brothers on the team in a sport that is 70 percent black is crazy and on purpose. And y'all are actin' like I'm the only dun with eyes that could see it! 

Back to my original point playa. They've lost more games already than they lost all year last year. They didn't lose but 4 games all last year! You do the math!!!!

That dun didn't wanna go out like a sucka so he ran out on his players early. Now you can read me his resume all day but my eyes don't lie to me. Yeah, I know that he's the winningest coach in Wisconsin basketball history with 364 wins in over 14-plus seasons. He led them to the NCAA Tournament EVERY year he was at the joint and before he arrived the Badgers had only gone to the dance 7 times in school history. He won 7 Big Ten titles with a conference winnin' percentage of .717 (172-68) which is the best in the history of the Big Ten. I get it playa! 

However, that's why the dun felt like he could dip on a boy and not get blasted for leavin' his players hangin'! Because everybody and their baby momma's momma, Ms. Jackson, is gonna be singin' his praises this mornin' because they can't spot a hustle for the hustle. 

Bo Ryan wouldn't be bouncin' if they were 12-0 or 10-2 at this point! That dun looked at the schedule and figured out that he's gonna keep gettin' the brakes beat off of him and it's gonna be a mess by March. Think about it bruh, they're 7-5 and they haven't even started conference play! They've lost 5 games playin' non-conference cats like Milwaukee bruh! 

Bo Ryan ain't crazy but these ole fake media-types singin' his praise this mornin' are. He just ran a hustle on EVERYBODY and especially the kids that came to Wisconsin to play for him this year. He sat in their livin' rooms and told Big Momma that he would be their baby's coach and this dun has dipped before the darn season is over. Why? Because he didn't want to deal with losin' this year and that's a terrible message to send the duns that still have to play there. Oh, and lets see if the team becomes more diverse over the next 3 or 4 years too. Then all of you suckas hollerin' at me for bein' able to see will have to apologize. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Dome: noun - head
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Dip: verb - to leave

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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