Why race is a HUGE factor in the Ray Ray McDonald dog barkin' investigation! "Snoop"

"You already know what this is buh!"
David Milliband, the British politician, once said, "You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there's no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you've got." Benjamin Franklin gave it to us like this, "If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality." Then Helen Mirren broke it down for all the simple minded individuals when she spit, "There's no good way to waste your time. Wasting time is just wasting time."

Well playas...that's what the Allegheny County Sherriff's office of Pennsylvania is doin' this mornin' bruh! They're not only wastin' their time but also taxpayers money. These duns are spending' time and money to investigate Raiders linebacker Ray Ray McDonald for, get this playa, barkin' at a police dog when he came out of the Raiders locker room for warm-ups when they played the Steelers in Pittsburgh on Sunday. He also excited the dog when he beat on his own chest and pissed the department off by sayin' let the dog loose. Now apparently it's a third degree felony to do that in Pennsylvania. So they're actually lookin' into chargin' this dun with a felony by the end of the week. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their baby's momma's momma knows that that dun was goofin' around and gettin' fired up for the game. The policewoman and the freakin' dog was in his world at the time and he never touched or threatened either of them. Stop it! You sound crazy even considerin' chargin' this cat with a felony for something as stupid as that. 

He didn't hit or assault the dog in any way. He barked at the dog bruh! And here's the idiot cop that takes life way too seriously sayin', "That dog is an officer of the law and it should be respected in the same manner as a human officer." Well pimpin'... everybody doesn't know that and how many people have walked past your freakinn' dog and barked at it without you jumpin' overboard? 

Remember back in 2013 when a University of Florida football player was arrested for walkin' past a K-9 squad car and he barked at the dog in front of a bar? They eventually dropped the charges because it was stupid and he was white. You can almost bet that these duns will try to hit ole Ray Ray with a felony on GP because a boy thinks nothin' about a brother's future in this country. A white kid and black kid can pull the same stunt and their futures will be altered completely different. One cat goes on to live a normal life and he other can't get a job for the rest of his life. 

Oh am I talkin' crazy? You get two kids get into a fight and beat the brakes off of a kid and they both get charged a felony assault. One it black and one is white. The judge can sympathize with the white kid because he looks like his own kid. His parents have bread so he can afford a good defense team. Th brother on the other hand was bussed into that school district and he gets a public defender. The white kid gets off because he's got better representation and the judge can sympathize with him. The brother gets charged with the felony and does 4 years in jail while the white kid goes to college. Later in life the white cat won't hire the same brother he beat a boy up with 10 years earlier. Why? Because he has a felony.  Don't tell me that the world is fair because it's not. The fair comes to town once a year playboy. 

So they're really thinkin' about chargin' a boy a felony for barkin' at a freakin' dog? Really bruh! That's a teachin' moment not a felony moment. And don't tell me that it's the law because it's the law not to J-walk and spit on the sidewalk but you don't charge boyz for breakin' it. So stop with this foolishness because you sound and look crazy tryin' to charge a boy with a felony for barkin' at a dog before his game. That's like tryin' to arrest Snoop for smokin' weed at his own concert. 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question,dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Pimpin': noun - the person that I'm passionately tryin' to get my point across to. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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