Why EVERYBODY on Mizzou's squad WASN'T feelin' the protest bruh! "Strong Armed"

"Now we've talked everybody into this foolishness" 
Napoleon Hill, the well-known author in personal success literature, once said, "Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness." A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the 11th president of India, broke it down like this, "Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow." Then the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shut the buildin' down when he spit, "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." 

Well playas...over the weekend I wrote  joint entitled "All or Nothin'" about the foolishness goin' on at the University of Missouri and the students protestin' to get the university system president, Tom Wolfe, fired for his lack of response to campus racism! Now the dun has since resigned However, at the time I wrote the joint only 32 players on a team of more than 100 where in on the boycott from football activities. So I blasted the team for not bein' a T.E.A.M. because the protest is of no usefulness if only 32 cats were willin' to walk out! And let's keep it real playboy, there are more than 32 black players on the team. So at the time not all of the brothers, at the very least, were willin' to quit what they started last January in winter conditionin'! But just in case you were wonderin' there are more than just black players on the team bruh. 

 Now the whole squad i in on the boycott both black and white! So at least today they LOOK like a T.E.A.M! 

Well let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I applaud the young brothers for bringin' attention to the foolishness that is occurrin' at Mizzou! Racism is an ugly part of American culture that continues to be a black eye in our society. So to bring attention to it to help stamp it out is always a great thing. However, would these boyz be boycottin' football activities if they were 8-1 or 7-2 and in the hunt for an SEC title or at the very least an SEC East title? Probably not and I don't have to holler at a boy anonymously to know that bruh. These duns are 4-5 so the sacrifice isn't the same! As a matter of fact, there is no sacrifice to the season. 

Don't act like you were really sacrificin' something because you weren't! And on some real talk the other 70 cats that weren't originally in on the boycott are pissed because they wanted to keep playin'! Now none of these boyz will say it publicly but you now the drill! 

There are several ways to protest your displeasure on campus and support the rest of the student body than to just quit your season with all of the work that's been put into it. I'm not just talkin' about this year either playa! I'm talkin' about since boyz started playin' this game. This isn't just about football bruh! This is about fulfillin' dreams, opportunities to play at the next level and to make a freakin' livin' for some cats! You know that there are boyz that are future NFL draft picks on that team that NEEDED to play to put themselves in a position to get drafted! That's why you only had 32 duns originally holdin' out. If we're gonna talk then let's talk turkey bruh! 

EVERYBODY'S wasn't happy about the boycott both black players and white alike!  You didn't have to quit to make a statement! Remember when the Miami Heat put on the hoodies in protest to George Zimmerman not initially bein' arrested after the killing of Treyvon Martin? It wasn't just the brothers on the team that participated! The ENTIRE team put on the hoodies! Remember when Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson and the St. Louis Rams' receiving core came out with their hands up? Remember when boyz in the NBA were wearin' the "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts when Eric Garner was killed by the NYC police? Remember when the foolishness jumped off at Oklahoma last year with the fraternity actin' a foo and callin' boyz the N-Word? The ENTIRE OU football team protested, not just the brothers! But they kept playin' football because to stop would have been counter-prodiuctive for everyone involved. Those are real TEAMS because EVERYBODY was on the SAME page! Not just 32 duns strong armin' the other 70. There is a reason why Mizzou is 4-5 bruh and we're seein' it play out right before our eyes! 

The word of God says in 2 Samuel 24:24, "But the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.” In other words playa it ain't a sacrifice if you aren't losin' anything. Mizzou is havin' a losin' season so there is no sacrifice in quittin' 9 games into it. They aren't goin' to a bowl game, they aren't playin' in the SEC title game, they aren't ballin' out right now so it's easy for 32 cats to push the rest of the team into a corner and quit! 

There are other ways to protest the president's handlin' of this situation. But to quit because you're already gettin' blasted is unacceptable. And again, I'm not sayin' that you shouldn't be pissed that the university isn't doin' it's due diligence in gettin' to the bottom of this foolishness. I'm just sayin' that you can't quit something just because you're pissed at the way the administration is handlin' it. All of the rest of those students both black and white that are protesting didn't drop their classes and have refused to continue their education. So why would you stop playin' ball that actually PAYS for your education? 

I'm not tellin' you what I heard playboy! I'm tellin' you what I know! I went to both Purdue and Indiana Universities, which are both huge predominantly white institutions, in the mid '80's! We heard the N-word and worse on a daily basis! We didn't quit, we persevered! If you quit something every time someone comes at you side ways you'll never find success. I'm not sayin' that you shouldn't protest because it obviously works! I'm sayin' that you've got to find ways to protest that doesn't keep you from doin' what you NEED to do. And don't applaud the football team for quittin' if you didn't stop goin' to class. Did the hoop team gonna quit too? NOPE! Why? Because they haven't started the season yet and there's way too much promise in it right now. If they were losin' and the season was shot it would be a whole lot easier to talk a boy into quittin'! I'm just glad that the dun resigned so that boyz could go back to handlin' their business. But you already know that the football team will be in turmoil because EVERYBODY wasn't happy about walkin' out! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Spit: verb - to say
2)  Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific. 
3) Talk Turkey: verb - to have a REAL conversation, to put it on the table and be authentic. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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