Insanity (How Cincinnati did everything right against Kentucky but usecommonsense)

"Y'all hard headed dawg!"
When I pulled up to the brown bag joint to get some fire shrimp I see these three cats standin’ outside debatin’ the concept of insanity. Bruce Feirstein, the famous screenwriter, took a toke of his square and said, “The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.” Albert Einstein jumped out of the whip cocked his hat to left and said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.” Then Friedrich Nietzsche walked out of the spot, gave a pound to the homies and said, “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

Well playas…he should have added teams to that list and more specifically the duns rockin’ the Cincinnati Bearcats uniforms on Saturday afternoon. They did everything right but use commonsense offensively to win that game. They were aggressive, talked just enough trash and even got under the young Wildcats collar. However, they thought boyz were lyin’ to them when they told them that you can’t go to the rack against them. Bein’ hard headed cost them an otherwise very well played ball game 64-51!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!  Cincy had the formula defensively to beat these boyz but freakin’ Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck must have been callin’ the plays offensively. They held Kentucky to just 37 percent shootin’ from the field and out rebounded them 45-38.

Here was the problem pimpin’, UK held Cincy to just 31 percent shootin’ from the field primarily because these duns were hard headed. The Bearcats kept knockin’ on the Grinch’s front door and he kept swattin’ that joint into the third row on a boy. I'm sittin’ there sayin’, “How many times do they have to swat that joint before you realize that it’s not gonna happen bruh? Not here! Not today!!

This is the best team in the country at swattin’! They needed Albert Einstein sittin’ on that bench because ole boy was brain fartin’ all night! It was insane to keep tryin' to take them to the rack. In order to have any chance of beatin’ Kentucky you’ve got to have a mid-range game or be able to light it up from downtown! That’s it! No way are you gonna bang inside with them and walk out alive.

Cincy did all of the right things on Saturday evenin’ but think! They had UK rattled for 15 minutes, talked tall trash to them and even had the Harrison twin shook when he retaliated by pushin’ Octavious Ellis and picked up the technical foul. Any time a boy starts tryin’ to get his lick back he’s shook! Don’t ever let him tell you otherwise.

Kentucky is a young team bruh and they can be shook but you’ve got to be able to shoot the rock. That’s why I picked Arizona before the tournament started to upset these boyz in the Final Four. They are the only team in the country that have the horses, the inside and outside game and gonads to beat them. So just sit in the cut and enjoy the ride until they meet in Indy playboy!

Oh don’t trip, you can thank me later for the insight. I know all of you duns have UK cuttin’ down the nets but Cincy just exposed to the world what I’ve been sayin’ about them all year.

Let me put it where the goats can get it playa. Kentucky plays in the SEC! This ain’t football season pimpin'! They haven’t played anybody all season with the exception of maybe the in-state rival game against Louisville. Now don’t get it twisted, you’ve got to be damn good to go 36-0 I don’t care who you’re playin’ but it’s a whole lot easier to do it playin’ the little sisters of the poor all year.

Mark your calendars playas and playettes April 4th  is the date that the Wildcats from Arizona are gonna do everything Cincinnati did to them but they won’t be insane enough to try to take them to the rack. They’re gonna pull the mid-range out of the holster and “light them boyz up!” In my Huggy Lowdown voice, “Waaaait for it!” Remember playas, this isn't the NBA playoffs! The best team doesn't always win the championship! See in the NBA the best team ALWAYS wins the title because you've got to win the best of 7 in a series. In the NCAA Tournament you just gotta be the best team for 2 hours! I saw Villanova shoot 90 percent in the second half to beat the UNSTOPPABLE Georgetown Hoyas in 1985 with Patrick Ewing to win it all! Stop me when I start lyin’!

 Playas Thesaurus:

1)      Brown Bag Joint: noun – Carry out food in the hood. They call then the ‘brown bag’ because your food is given to you in a brown bag. It’s normally, BBQ, shrimp, burgers, tacos, soul food etc. As long as you get a brown bag it qualifies.
2)      Fire: adjective – good, delicious, tasty
3)      Toke: verb – to take a puff of a cigarette
4)      Square: noun – cigarette
5)      Whip: noun – car, vehicle
6)      Cocked his hat to the left: verb – he’s lettin’ a boy know that he’s gang affiliated so don’t even try him out here.
7)      Pound: verb – to shake a persons hand out of respect
8)      Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
9)      Rockin’: verb – to wear
10)   Rack: noun – the basket
11)  Swattin’: verb – to block shots

 Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

1 comment:

  1. Great article Jay. I wish I had this article a week ago, could have made some money on my bracket.


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