Why the Michigan/Michigan State game ended the way it was SUPPOSED to bruh! "DULL"

"Too late playa I'm in!"
Carrie Otis, the famous model and actress, once said, "But life inevitably throws us curve balls, unexpected circumstances that remind us to expect the unexpected. I've come to understand these curve balls are the beautiful unfolding of both karma and current." Deepak Chopra, the author and speaker, broke it down like this, "Karma, when properly understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests." Then Sandra Bullock stood up in the middle of all of this chaos and shouted, "I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good."

Well playas...Karma played out just the way it was SUPPOSED to play out at the Big House on Saturday night! At the end of an UNBELIEVABLE ball game in Ann Arbor with 10 seconds left, 4th down with Michigan up by 2, about to punt the joint away I told my brother, "I wouldn't punt that joint bruh!" Why? Because too many things can go wrong at this point!" In an instant, the dull punter bobbled the snap and then did the UNTHINKABLE! He actually tried to punt the ball while he was in the grasp of a Spartan defender. And a dun named Jalen Watts-Jackson caught the joint and went 38 yards for a touchdown as time expired! DULL for Michigan! Great for Michigan State as they win the joint 27-23!

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! As crazy as it sounds bruh, the game ended the way it was supposed to end. The refs were tryin' their best to screw Michigan State all night long! Now, I'm not a Michigan State fan by any stretch! I'm just a diehard college football fan that wants to see a great game playa. I could care less who won the game. But the calls in that ball game were at many times were suspect! Mark Dantonio can't say it so I will.

Earlier in the ball game the Michigan State defense CLEARLY held Michigan on the goal line by completely stoppin' a boy'z forward progress. It took them darn near 5 and a half seconds for the dull refs to blow the whistle and they waited until Michigan crossed the goal line before they even attempted to put the joint in their mouths! That touchdown clearly shouldn't have counted. So when the dull punter brain farted, sharted and wet the bed it was karma makin' things right. SPARTA!!!!!!

It would have been a travesty if Michigan had won that game because the refs allowed them to just fall into the endzone after forward progress had been stopped earlier in the game. Even the dull announcers callin' the game acted like it wasn't a big deal. It was a HUGE deal, especially in a rivalry game of that magnitude.

"Let's ride out fellas!"

When Michigan lined up to punt that joint both my brother and I said, "Don't punt it bruh! Don't give it back to Michigan State because the Wolverines have been givin' up way too many big plays all night. Snap the ball and take off runnin' in the opposite direction. You've got darn near 50 yards to play with. Run around in circles or whatever you gotta do because the clock will expire. Just don't give them the ball back."

And sure enough that dun tried to punt it even after he was in the grasp. KARMA ain't no joke and Michigan will listen to me the next time! Or better yet, they won't hire those dull refs again! That's for sure!!!  I'll say it until the day that I die bruh! This is why I LOVE college football! It's far more excitin' than the NFL because foolishness like this would NEVER happen in the pros. They're too good! But in the college game all kinds of foolishness can go on because you've got future pros playin' right next to a dun that shouldn't even be on the darn team. And that's the edited version. How would you like to be the Michigan punter this mornin' eatin' in the cafĂ© all by your lonesome? Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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