Why Manziel's girl was the problem NOT Johnny Football bruh! "Sit Down"

"Will you go sit yo "A" down somewhere! Please!!!!!"
Bob Newhart once said, "Don't live in the past. There's no point. You can't change anything. What a waste of time." Auguste Rodin, the 19th century French sculptor, gave it to us like this, "Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." Then Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British conservative politician and writer, broke it down like Big Momma at a day care with a wooden spoon when he spit, "There is no waste of time in life like that of making explanations."

Well playas...the biggest waste of time is when these fake media-types try to make news out of stories that ain't news bruh! On Friday every news outlet in America was runnin' the story of Johnny Manziel gettin' stopped by the police on freakin' Monday because he was arguin' with his girl after havin' a few drinks! 

Now the freakin' police report says that someone called 911 because a dun shot past them doin' 90mph tryin' to exit the highway. The chick in the passenger seat was tryin' to get out of the ride as it was movin'. The dun drivin' was tryin' to keep her from gettin' out of the whip. When the police showed up the ride was parked on the side of the road and the dun drivin' was sober. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If the dun drivin' wasn't drunk and he was simply tryin' to keep his silly girlfriend from jumpin' out of the whip and killin' herself why are we wastin' time talkin' about Johnny Football? And if the clown that called 911 didn't have a speed gun how do we know the dun was drivin' 90mph? I'm just sayin'.
C'mon bruh, ANY man that is at least 25 years old has experienced the foolishness of a woman's emotions in her freakin' early 20's when she gets mad at a boy! How many times have you gotten into an argument with your girl in the ride and she's ready to jump out of the freakin' out while it's movin'? How many times have you seen a dun goin' 3mph drivin' on the shoulder because his girl jumped out of the ride cuz she's mad? 

If you read down the police report further it clearly states that she was the one that was intoxicated! So if he was grabbin' her to keep her from jumpin' out of the ride then he was essentially savin' her life. The police acknowledged that she had a friction bruise on her wrist because the dun was tryin' to keep her butt from gettin' out of the car. Stop it! You sound crazy!

Sure, she told the police  that "Manziel pushed her head against the glass of the car." However, if she was the only one in the car drunk how believable is that? Again, he was probably tryin' to grab he butt to keep her from doin' somethin' stupid.

It further states that she threw his wallet out of the window. Bruh! She was the one outta control, not Johnny! He's just tryin' to get this chick to the crib! ASAP!! Who hasn't been there with some woman?

Then I hear that the NFL is goin' to investigate even further to see if they'll pursue any disciplinary action against Johnny. See, that's the NFL's problem bruh. If the police didn't fool with it because it was OBVIOUS that the dun didn't do anything. Then why does the league need to get in involved? There's no rule that states that Johnny Football, a grown "A" man can't have a drink! There's isn't a rule that states that a man can't get into an argument with his girl. Roger Goodell doesn't know how to go sit his butt down either. 

Maybe Johnny's girl and Goodell needs to hang out because neither of them know how to chill out once everything's under control. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific. 
2) whip: noun - luxury vehicle

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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