Why Chuck Pagano is startin' to upset boyz tryin' to justify that foolishness! "Stubborn"

"That's my story and I'm stickin' with it!"

I saw these two cats sittin' on the steps at Lucas Oil Stadium still disgusted with the Colts' loss on Sunday night to the Patriots. They were arguin' about boyz bein' stubborn. John C. Maxwell, the well-known author and speaker, said, "Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don't change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan." Michel de Montaigne, the most significant philosophers of the French renaissance, stood up and shouted,  "Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity." Then ole John C. replied with some fire when he spit, "When you are full of pride on the inside, it makes you stiff, stubborn, and creates strife with others."

Well playas...ole Chuck Pagano is still as stiff as a board this mornin' because that dun refuses to admit that he screwed up on Sunday night and therefore, he's creatin' strife with others. Mainly sports fans in this city! This cat had the nerve to say or like the Grinch that stole Christmas would say, the unmitigated gal, "Not pleased with the way I prepared the guys, coached the guys to go out and execute the play. That's on me. I have to do better. But I don't regret the play call."

Now lets keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! That was the dumbest play call in the history of MANKIND bruh! Not just in sports but EVER!!! It was stupid on so many levels! Where do I start?

Okay playa, first of all ,the Colts were only down 6 points with a full minute left in the third quarter. So that means that you've got  16 minutes left to play in the game! Even if you're a simple minded individual you understand that it 1 plus 15 is 16 because you've got 15 freakin' minutes left to play in the fourth quarter too! So to call any variation of a fake punt in your own territory against the best offense in the NFL with that much time remainin' is outright asinine! We can stop right there bruh! There's nothin' else to discuss!  

But if you just wanna be hard headed and run it anyway then why on earth would you run the fake with that set up! That's "IF" you're goin' to be that stupid why run a fake punt with 9 players on one side of the field and not throw the ball (bubble screen) to that side of the field where a boy at least has a convoy! Then you've got Beavis over here snappin' the ball and Butthead takin' the snap under center! Unless you've got freakin' Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis, Jessie freakin' Owens or Flo Jo or somebody receivin' the snap WHY ON EARTH is the dun under center? There's no space between he and the defender at the point of the snap bruh!

So you mean to tell me with all the duns on that sideline with coach's shirts and headsets on NOBODY said, "That ain't gonna work bruh! Call timeout!"  You've got two cats with 4 Patriots defenders standin' right next to them? One of your players is snappin' the ball so he's not blockin' anything until he gets his head up and by then the dun with the ball is tackled because there's NOBODY else there to help. Why? Because everybody else on the team is on the opposite sideline havin' crumpets and tea with the Patriots.

Pagano! Listen up playboy! Just admit that you brain farted and move on! It's just that simple. You can't justify it, you can't explain it, you can't rationalize a brain fart bruh! They just happen from time to time. Win this week and boyz will move on too. NOBODY expected you to win that game anyway so they'll eventually give you a pass because you've got to run into them again. That's if you don't brain fart against a lesser opponent. But if you keep refusin' to admit that you screwed up cats are gonna stop defendin' you every time boyz bring up you vs. Grigson. I'm just sayin' and stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1)Fire: adjective: to describe something of importantance
2) spit: verb - to say
3)Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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