Why Cardale Jones made the BIGGEST mistake of his life by stayin' in school! "Dreamin'"

"Man... I should've bounce when I had the chance bruh!"
Winston Churchill once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."Thomas Edison told a boy, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Then William Pollard, the 19th century Quaker, broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, "Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable."

Well playas...Ohio State's Cardale Jones refused to change, change addresses that is, after he led the Buckeyes to the national championship in 2014. He decided to stay in school and not enter the NFL draft when he was as hot as Halle Berry in Bomerang. Because of that there has been no innovation, creativity or incentive for improvement and because of that he hadn't looked good all season long. So on Tuesday Urban Meyer finally pulled the trigger and benched that dun for J.T. Barrett. It had to happen bruh because ole boy hadn't played well all season. But get this playa, he got benched and they're 7-0!!!

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I told you boyz back in the winter when he decided to stay in school that ole boy was makin' the biggest mistake of his life. There was a reason why he hadn't played in freakin' 3 years bruh. He wasn't the best quarterback on the roster. He was there when Braxton Miller showed up and he was there when J.T. Barrett showed up right? So when both of those duns got hurt he got his shot to shine and that he did. He got loose in the Big Ten title game when he led the Buckeyes to a 59-0 stompin' of Wisconsin. He shocked the world when he led Dem Boyz to a Sugar Bowl win in the playoff over vaunted Alabama and then he made it rain when he put that thang on Oregon to win the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! It's MONEY TIME right?

Ole boy was the hottest thing in college football in January bruh! Well..outside of Famous Jameis and Mariota. It was time to bounce because he would never be as hot as he was at that moment! On the hype alone he would have gone in the first round even if he wasn't legitimately a first round pick. Keep in mind that there are 32 first round picks bruh and he could have been one of them just on the hype!!! We've seen it before pimpin'! JaMarcus Russell was trash comin' out of LSU but he destroyed Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl and then all of a sudden he was the No.1 pick in the 2007 draft. NOBODY was even thinkin' about him until he went HAM on the Fightin' Irish.

However, he was smart enough to know that he wasn't worth two dead flies smash so he dipped and got that bread. You can say what you want about JaMarcus Russell but that dun understood why he went to college in the first place and that was to get a freakin' job. He signed a 6 year deal worth $68 million with $31.5 million GUARANTEED and he only played 3 years! But guess what playa, he walked away with the GUARANTEED money!

Obviously, they aren't payin' rookies that type of bread anymore. Duns like Andrew Luck only got $22 million with $14 million guaranteed in a signin' bonus but still that's bread. Cardale would have at the minimum made a few million by comin' out last year because he was hot.

Now that dun probably won't even get drafted at this point! Why? Because he stuck around long enough for the NFL scouts to get a larger sample size of his work. He's looked like trash all season and now he sittin' the bench. My mom used to say, "Some money is better than no money!"

And PLEASE don't tell me that the only reason that he's in college is to get an education. Stop with that foolishness! The only reason ANY of us went or go to college was/is to get a freakin' job. He could have made millions this past spring and been sittin' on somebody's bench after losin' the startin' job right now etc. If he was gonna end up gettin' benched anyway he at least could be gettin' paid handsomely for it instead of watchin' from Ohio State's bench for free.

Here's my diehard Buckeye fan blinded by the logo! "Man he's at school to get an education and if that's the worse thing that can happen, oh well! And he bet on himself!" Let me break it down again for you bruh, there was a freakin' reason why the dun never got off of the bench for 3 years! He wasn't the best quarterback they had! He just played over his head in those 3 games and should have cashed in the lottery ticket when he had the chance.

Am I still talkin' crazy? Well do you remember a dun named Matt Leinart? Ole boy decided to stay at USC after he led the Trojans to the BCS national title in 2004 with the freakin' dream team which was probably one of the top 2 or 3 college football teams of all-time. He was red HOT at the time and was projected to be the No.1 pick in the 2005 NFL draft. But no!!!! The dun stayed and dropped to the 10th pick the followin' year and lost a guaranteed $20 million dollar. Why? Because he didn't have the self awareness that he needed the year before. Sound familiar playa?

Cardale Jones could have left Ohio State, got paid and came back at any time to get a degree if he really wanted one. You NEVER turn down an opportunity to work a job that you've been dreamin' of doin' your entire life because some other fool told you that it looks better for you to stay in school. That's stupid!! Even if the dun would have gotten drafted in the second or third round he would have made more money than he's gonna make now in the NFL. I'm just sayin' and stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus:   
1) Spit: verb - to say
2)  Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.
3) Pimpin': noun - the person that I'm passionately tryin' to get my point across to.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!


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