Pinky Toe (How the Colts look a hot mess & boyz gotta stop givin' Andrew Luck a pass)

In his Florida Evans voice, "Damn! Damn! Damn!"
Johnny Cash once said, "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space." Oscar Wilde, the famous author, gave it to us like this, "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Then the genius, John Wooden,  poured out a lil' liquor for all the dead homies when he spit, "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes."

Well playas...I'm quite sure ole John wasn't talkin' about the Indianapolis Colts because these duns are makin' way too many mistakes to be productive even for Wooden's standards. The Colts showed up on biggest stage in football and had several pinky toe moments. For all of you simple minded individuals that means that they shot themselves in the pinky toe all night long as they helped the New York Jets beat the brakes off of them in front of Big Momma, Pookey, Ray-Ray and Aunt Mae Mae nem 20-7.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! All we heard around this piece durin' the off-season was Super Bowl or bust. The only thing left to do was beat New England right? Well, how about beatin' the first two cats on the freakin' schedule without lookin' pedestrian and without lookin' like somebody stole your freakin' bike and left the reflectors at the end of the night.

The same problems that existed last year are still standin' in the room with the green elephant takin' a dump in the middle of the floor. The offensive line is atrocious and the defensive front is horrendous. With the injuries in the secondary boyz knew it was gonna be a problem back there but when the cats that are supposed to play well start shootin' their toes off it becomes a hot mess real quick.

Andrew Luck had boyz in his shirt all night long and he didn't make it any better tryin' to force the rock into places that the rock didn't have permission to go. He was facin' one of the best sets of corners in the league in Darrelle Revis and Antonio Cromartie and he was still careless with the football. Yeah, I know that he was rushed but he's always been rushed. The Colts' offensive line has been terrible for years bruh. Stop it! This ain't brand knew and neither is he.

Luck turned the rock over 4 times by himself! He threw 3 dull picks and then decided that it would be rather vogue to fumble the joint away too. Unacceptable bruh! At some point boyz have to stop makin' excuses for the neck beard and call it like it is. You can't keep turnin' the ball over! Period!! 

Frank Gore turns the joint over on the one yard line and Adam Vinatieri misses a 29 yard chip shot field goal! He hadn't missed a field goal shorter than 30 yards since 2007 playboy! When your superstars aren't playin' well you've got problems. In my Bernie Mac voice, "What the hell is goin's on?"

And please don't try to blame this foolishness on the Pagano/Grigson beef. Neither one of those duns are suitin' up any time soon playa. Mistakes by the folks on the field are at the helm here. Nothin' else. Do you realize that Andrew Luck has thrown 5 interceptions in just two weeks! Stop it! You sound crazy! The pocket has never been clean so don't even go there. And why is Andre' Johnson even on the roster at this point bruh? He looks like it hurts him to catch the freakin' ball! He had 3 catches but they targeted him 7 times. There is a reason why Houston let that dun go! I'm just sayin'!

Think about this bruh, the Colts have only scored 21 points in eight quarters of football this season! Normally you blame losses on the defense around this piece but it's the freakin' offense that's simply runnin' around blind folded at this point. Keep in mind that the Colts won the Super Bowl with the 31st ranked defense in the league a few years ago. So don't start tryin' to blame the defense now! Andrew Luck and the Beardables have to play better and that's on my momma!

The defense only gave up 20 points bruh after the offense turned the joint over 5 times. In real life, they played as well as they could under the circumstances. Twenty points is great! They've always got the potential to win if boyz only give up 20!!! 

I know one thing, they better fix whatever's goin' on before Tom Brady and the Deflateables come to town because it's gonna be a loooooong and embarrassin' night! Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Florida Evans: noun: the character on the hit '70's sitcom "Good Times" said Damn! Damn! Damn! as she dropped a dish in the kitchen after her husband James died.
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!


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