Carnage (How race played a factor in the Mariota/Winston comparison last week but not this week

"I appreciate you breakin' that down Jay!"
As I was choppin' it up with the fellas at the sports bar on Sunday enjoyin' the games. These three cats broke out into an argument about comparin' things. Jennie Finch, the Olympic Gold Medalist,  put her wings down and said, "Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine!" Marques de Condorcet, the 18th century French philosopher and mathematician, took a squig of his brew and shouted, "Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another." Then Cheri Huber, the teacher of Zen and writer, shut the buildin' down when she spit, "When you stop comparing what is right here and now with what you wish were, you can begin to enjoy what is."

Well playas...And the what is, is that you can't compare rookie first round quarterback's futures after four freakin' quarters of football! Last week all of these fake media-types where goin' nuts tryin' to tell the world that Tampa made a mistake by takin' Jameis Winston No.1 overall instead of Marcus Mariota because the Titans beat the brakes off of them. There were clowns out here that actually cover the NFL that believed that bruh!

But what I wanna know today is where are those fools this mornin' after Mariota looked like a deer in head lights on Sunday in freakin' Cleveland, of all places, and after Winston went down to New Orleans and took care of business in the Super Dome? Mariota threw two dull picks and got sacked 7 times on Sunday in a loss to the Johnny Football led Browns and Famous threw 2 touchdowns and not a single pick against Drew Brees and the Saints. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Just as stupid as my comparison of the two quarterbacks today sounds in their respective wins and losses to other teams is as stupid as boyz sounded last week tryin' to compare them when they faced each other. Their ability to play good or bad had absolutely nothin' to do with the other quarterback's potential or the ability or inability of a freakin' GM to make the right decision in the draft room. It had everything to do with the defenses that they faced. 

On some real talk, it had everything to do with these ole playa hatin' media-types not likin' Jameis Winston! He was 33-1 in college, won the Heisman, beat a made up rape case and kept it movin'! Yeah playa, you read that right! I said beat a made up rape case! See while all of you were busy hatin' on this kid and formin' judgments of him and his character, I was the only cat out here that was a scholar and not a student. I actually read the 86 page report that the state's attorney's office published of the entire incident full of eye witness testimonies and sworn affidavits from both Jameis and the young lady so that I could make an informed opinion of this kid's character.  

The rest of you clowns just took what some chick and the rest of the media said and ran with it because you felt no reason to believe that a young black man could be innocent of raping a young white girl if she said that it happened. Oh, I'm keepin' it real out here playa. See...the difference between bein' a student and a scholar is simple. A student takes information that is bein' taught, absorbs it and runs with it. A Scholar takes that same information, absorbs it, then tests the validity of that information and then puts it to use.
"You right dawg!"

I even did you boyz a solid and did a complete video rant explainin' to you what was actually in the report and all of the changes in the freakin' story that ole girl made up entitled "The Truth is in the Details: Jameis Winston (Separatin' the truth from the lies)." Pop the link if you think I'm trippin' or go read the report for yourself. Well...that's if you actually care about tellin' your viewers and readers the truth. You took the time to read the 283-page Well's Report on Tom Brady about some ignorant deflated footballs but you cared nothin' about tryin' to find out why the police, the university and the prosecutor's office didn't arrest, discipline or charge a dun accused of something as violent as rape.

I even broke down the crab legs incident too for all of you naïve folks that actually thought that a boy could walk into a grocery store and steal some crab legs. Instead you decided to just hate him because you assumed he was guilty and by not readin' the report  or thinkin' clearly about the Heisman Trophy winner not havin' to pay for anything in town because he's, well, the Heisman trophy winner you can justify your hate for him. Don't you think that if he'd really stolen the crab legs they would have arrested him instead of writin' him a citation? Think about that bruh!

Therefore, when he played a good defense on day one, threw 2 dull picks and was sacked 4 times you couldn't wait to say, "I told you so!" You loved Mariota so you gave him all the props even though you knew that Tampa's defense was atrocious and Jameis didn't play defense.

Then when Mariota went up to Cleveland and got trucked against a terrible Browns team led by Johnny Football you turned a blind eye to the carnage. You didn't see the dun get sacked 7 times or throw the 2 dull picks. That just doesn't register this mornin' does it? Even though his performance had absolutely nothin' to do with Jameis playin' well in New Orleans. No more than his great performance a week ago had nothin' to do with Jamies lookin' bad. It has everything to do with the defenses they both faced! Period! Stop tryin' to compare them based on your personal bias for one or the other and just let them play ball. It's easier that way and stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!



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