In The Name Of (The REAL reason why the Republican Party will keeplosin' elections)

"Yep! We just screwed that up bruh! Couldn't agree more playa!"
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Confucius stood up and shouted, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Then Henry Rollins, the famous musician and author, broke it down like a straight up G when he spit, “Weakness is what brings ignorance, cheapness, racism, homophobia, desperation, cruelty, brutality, all these things that will keep a society chained to the ground, one foot nailed to the floor.”

Well playas…that’s the problem with the Republican primary front runners and the very reason why we won’t see a Republican President any time soon. Both Donald Trump and Ben Carson both did a great job of blowin’ their pinky toes off this week talkin’ in general about Muslims. I’ve been sayin’ for years that the Republican Party is losin’ not because of political philosophy but because of their inability to be inclusive to ALL people.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Obama won the Presidency not just because of his political views but mainly because he was inclusive to gays and lesbians, Latinos, blacks folks and yes Muslims. He embraced EVERYBODY! He didn’t trip on who was what or what a boy believed in etc. Boyz need to understand that this is America not the America that some folks want to believe is still only ran by the lily white and straight. All people are included in the process here and guess what playa? Some of them are Muslim too. Keep this in mind bruh, elections are won off of emotion not intellect. People vote based on how they feel not by what they think because most people aren't thinkers.

So for Donald Trump to stand up in front of a group of people as he’s runnin’ for President of the UNITED STATES and not "check" a clear racist when he was completely out of line says a lot about who Trump is underneath all of that make- up.

Then Ben Carson, a black man I might add, had the nerve to co-sign this foolishness by sayin’ that “A Muslim shouldn’t be president.” This guy has lost his freakin’ mind bruh! How would he feel if a boy stood up and said that a black man shouldn’t be president because some black guy robbed his brother 20 years ago? Are you kiddin’ me?

You can’t stereotype a group of people because of the actions of some ignorant extremist pullin’ stunts in the name of a religion when nowhere in that religion or its word says that this behavior is acceptable. If that’s the case then we could have said the same thing about Christians in America!

Don’t get it twisted playboy! I’m a Christian but I know the word and the same folks hollerin’ about Muslims forgot all about the duns that founded this country by stealin’, robbin’, killin’ and enslavin’ folks in the name of “Christianity” to make it happen.

Oh am I lyin’? Let’s go all the way back to 1492 playa, when some dun named Christopher Columbus showed up at a boy’s house and stole it right out from underneath him. Can you imagine bein’ at home watchin’ the game with your wife and a boy comes in and tells you that he discovered your house, takes it from you, puts you on a reservation and forgets all about you?

Then the same cats that called themselves Christians kidnapped over 12.5 million Africans between 1525 and 1866 to build this country in the name of “Christianity.” After the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863 those same people that were supposedly free men had no legal rights to their manhood until more than100 years later when the Civil Rights Act was signed in 1964 and couldn’t legally vote without stupid games and barriers until 1965 when the Voting Rights Act was signed.

So all of the terrorism of black folks that went on in this country after slavery was officially abolished like hangings, lynchings, tarring and feathering, blatant discrimination was done in the name of Christianity playa.

Therefore, to have the unmitigated gall to say that ALL Muslims are bad is to be as ignorant as to say that ALL Christians are bad because of some fool extremists usin’ a religion to hide behind as an excuse to be evil. And to have two duns runnin’ for President spittin’ ignorance and to have people actually supportin’ them in the year 2015 is mind blowin’!

Like I keep sayin’, the Republican Party will continue to lose these elections until they learn how to be inclusive to ALL people. Especially, in these UNITED STATES! Stop me when I start lyin’! And tomorrow I promise I'll be back on sports. So stay tuned for the HILARIOUS College Football Weekly Preview: Week 4 in the mornin'!

Playas Thesaurus:  

1) G: noun – gangsta or the older wiser guy in the barber shop that gives the young cats wisdom of the world.
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.
3) Check: verb - to correct a boy when he says something stupid!

Disclaimer: For all you simple minded individuals that can’t see that this is written purposely in my Gary, In. lingo. Feel free to send me Tweets and messages further showin’ your ignorance of my ability to express myself in real terms usin’ my real voice.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!       

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