Shut 'Um Down (How Cardale Jones gets more respect than both Jordan &Tiger combined bruh)

"Because I've got this playa, duns will listen to what I have to say now!"
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the 19th century author and poet, once said, “To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men.” Nelson Mandela gave it to us like this, “What globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.” Then Bayard Rustin, a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, broke it down like a real G when he said, “When an individual is protesting society’s refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.”

Well playas...Cardale Jones, the national championship winnnin' quarterback, from The Ohio State University checked a boy real quick a couple of days ago for tryin' to tell him that he shouldn't be concerned with social issues that affect him or his people. When Jones tweeted, "You tell me that well I say how do you define "All" ? By even askin' that question he confers dignity on himself. Ole boy was actually referencin' this whole Sandra Bland foolishness and all the other black folks dyin' at the hands of the police. Then an Ohio State fan fires back, "Worry about getting us fans another championship" instead of weighing in on the topic. Then baby boy fired back with the best comeback of All-Time bruh. "Sorry Mr master, I aints allow to tweet nothing but foolsball stuff I donts want you think I more than a foots ball playa sir."  Whoever @DanGustafson1 is has left the buildin' and is not comin' back playa!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Too many folks in this country want to live in the make believe world that everythin' is all good and completely fair when it simply isn’t. Cardale is a famous black athlete that is socially conscious of the injustice in the world that he lives in. It doesn't matter that he's still in college. He understands that as a kid with a platfrom he has a responsibility to use it. He's not the first cat to speak up and he certainly won't be the last.

Boyz wanna act like they forgot about the five St. Louis Rams players comin' out with their hands up before they played the Raiders last year. Durin’ player introductions Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin came out with their hands up in a sign of solidarity for Michael Brown and in protest against the dun that got away with killin’ him without even goin’ to trial. 

Did you forget about D. Wade changin' his avatar on his Twitter account with him in a hoodie and then within hours of that the entire Miami Heat team led by LeBron himself posted a team photo in hoodies on his joint that went viral?  Cats wanna act like they don't remember or have never seen the picture of Tommie Smith and John Carlos (who were still students at UCLA) give the Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympic Games just months after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
"The Olympics don't separate us bein' in the struggle!" 
Throughout our history in this country as black folks we've always had cats usin' their platforms to bring awareness to the foolishness of the day and especially during the civil rights movement. Boyz like Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Muhammad Ali put their careers on the line daily by supportin' the civil rights movement and other social issues in this country. So why would Cardale be any different? Especially, if he cares about what's goin' on around him.

The only duns that will NEVER open their mouths about anything social in this country are ole dull Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan! They are two of the most famous sports figures of all-time and yes they are black and they could care less about whats goin' on with black folks as long as it's not gettin' in their way of gettin' bread. No way would boyz have gotten those two to participate in the hoodie photo, come out with their hands up or sit down with the Jim Brown, Kareem or Ali to work through a strategy to help make the lives of those around them better. Not a chance pimpin'! Not a chance!

What kills me are the duns that will tell Cardale to shut up and play ball but will applaud the NFL for wearin' pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! So it's OK to use your platform for that but not to make people aware that ALL LIVES MATTER because the lives that you're specifically talkin' about are black and are dyin' at the hands of the police.

Here's my fool screamin' from the roof tops, "Why is everybody upset now about Black Lives Matterin'? Black folks keep killin' each other! Doesn't that matter?" See this is why I write playboy! Because you're always gonna have a fool that can't see the forest for the trees. It's a shame that our young black kids are killin' each other out here in these streets bruh. It really is. But none of those fools killin' boyz out here were sworn in to protect and serve. When the police are out here killin' folks it's an even bigger problem. Why? Because they have the law on their side. We can't protect ourselves from the police. So therefore, they've got an open license to kill at will and never go to jail for these murders because the law protects them.

Because of incidents like these parents have to do a better job of teachin’ their kids how to respond to police. See you can’t do a thing about a racist cop rollin’ up on you. I’m not tellin’ you what I’ve heard! I’m tellin’ you what I know! I’ve been pulled over so many times in my life that I've lost count for bein’ black, bein’ black and drivin’ luxury vehicles (Oh yeah playboy, I drive luxury vehicles),  bein’ black and bein’ in the wrong city or wrong side of town. Not only have I been pulled over, I’ve had guns drawn on me and told to get out of the freakin’ car!

Fortunately, I’ve always known how to handle a boy and that's to do exactly what he tells me to do without the attitude. All of that tongue wrestlin’ will only get you beat down or killed. Let me put it where the goats can get it. If a gangsta rolls up on you in the hood with a gun in his hand and says, “Check yo-self fool!” What are you gonna do? You’re gonna check yo-self real quick! For all of you duns from the suburbs or rural America that don’t know what that means, it simply means to "freeze otherwise I’m gonna blow your freakin’ head off!"

Now a boy will check himself real quick when he hears that but he won’t check himself when the cop rolls up on him. But get this bruh, if the cop shoots him he’s more likely to get away with it because he has the authority to shoot “IF” he says that he felt threatened. So all I’m tryin’ to tell you young thunder cats is that it’s more important to get home alive than dead. If the cop is wrong in the way that he’s talkin’ to you or bein’ abusive, memorize his badge number and get home alive because if he shoots you or hangs you in a cell with a freakin' garbage bag there are no guarantees that he’ll go to jail for it playa. And even if he goes to jail you’re still dead.

Now is the cop wrong for killin' you? DEAD wrong bruh! But this isn't about who's wrong or right and who has the right to say this or that! It's about teachin' our young people how to survive an encounter with the police. Because you are no good to anybody dead because you couldn't shut yo darn mouth playboy! And that's the edited version! Now if you humble yourself and do everything that you've been asked to do and you still end up dead it is what it is. But more often than not it won't escalate to that level if you obey the dun talkin' to you. Regardless of his or her tone.

So I applaud Cardale for usin' his platform to make a difference out here. Maybe Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods can learn something from this young cat! Why? Because we all could have been Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Trayvon and all of the others at some point in our lives. Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) G: noun - short for gangsta but is usually used to describe the cat with the most confidence and swagger that has the wisdom to navigate in this world.
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific.
3) Bread: noun - money
4) Thunder Cats: noun - young cats that think that they are invincible.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The captions under the photos aren't real but they're REAL talk!  

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