THE GREATEST (How Mayweather cracked the code but Tyson is the best fighter EVER)

Nobody better bruh!
Horace Mann once said, “Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find both.” William Shakespeare broke it down like this, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Then George Bernard Shaw got all of the homies attention when he spit, “Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.”

Well playas…it looks like ole Floyd Mayweather is doin’ what must be done and it may not be happiness but its greatness! Ole boy has orchestrated the GREATEST fight of all-time in Vegas tonight. Why is it the greatest? Because it’s the single biggest revenue producin’ joint of all-time bruh! It’s the all-time event in the history of boxin’! Boyz can say what they want about Floyd Money but one thing they can’t say is that he didn’t crack the code.

Because he’s got the combination to the gym locker and he’s takin’ errrybody’s sneakers and jewelry boys keep askin’ the question as to who is the greatest fighter of all-time? So duns have been arguin’ for the past week and everybody and their momma’s momma has an opinion.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Mike Tyson was the GREATEST fighter of all-time bruh! Stop even debatin’ this foolishness! Mike was destroyin’ boyz every time he walked into the freakin’ ring! It ain’t even close!!! Boyz where afraid of Mike! Are you serious!

You couldn’t even take the chance of gettin’ the fight or better yet bein’ late to the fight because most of the time Mike would knock the dun out by the time you sat down! Don’t try to tell me that anybody else was even in the neighborhood of Mike Tyson.

I keep hearin’ duns hollerin’ Muhummad Ali was the greatest fighter ever! Ali was the greatest hero of the people, especially black people playa, durin’ his reign as the champ! White folks hated Ali until he could no longer speak publicly. He wasn’t revered as the greatest until after his career and boyz started to wise up on what Ali stood for politically. He was the brother that made black folks feel empowered to stand up for what they believed in durin’ the Civil Rights Movement and beyond.

When he told a boy that he would rather give up his championship belt than to be drafted into the Vietnam War he became a hero to the cats that opposed the war. So Ali was the greatest in that respect but he wasn't destroyin’ boyz like Tyson was in the ring.

On some real talk, Ali was strugglin’ with cats and goin’ the distance more than you realize. Mike rarely went the distance with a boy. It wasn’t until he started to fall off did he go beyond 5 or 6 rounds. If we’re talkin’ about straight up boxin’ then there wasn’t anybody better than Tyson!

You can bring up any cat you want and nobody was more intimidating to other great fighters walkin’ into the ring than Mike! Stop it you sound crazy!

I’ve even heard duns bring up Jack Johnson this week! First of all playboy, you didn’t even see Jack Johnson!!! That dun was the heavyweight champ from 1908-1915!! There is rarely any footage of him! Stop with this foolishness! Anybody that brings up Jack Johnson is merely tryin’ to prove to a boy that he’s knows the history of boxin’! You may as well throw Sugar Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, and Joe Louis on the freakin’ table. Now I may not have seen all of those duns fight but I know that they weren't knockin' everybody out that stepped in the ring with them. I do know that bruh! So in my Victor Sweet voice, “Go sit at the little kid’s table!” And stop with that foolishness!!
"Yeah I see what you sayin' bruh!
It’s like duns that are younger than 35 tryin’ to compare Jordan vs. LeBron! In order to compare the two you’ve got to be old enough to have seen both of them come into the league and develop into great players. If you’re freakin’ 35 you were 4 when Jordan was drafted by the Bulls! So you didn’t see Jordan when he couldn’t shoot or go to his left. You didn’t see the Piston’s take complete advantage of his deficiencies year after year. By the time you were old enough to understand what you were watchin’ he was winnin’ championships! Stop it with this foolishness!!

If there is any tape of Jack Johnson it’s grainy and only his best fights are on it! They call those highlights bruh! Just like what you’ve always seen of Jordan if you’re too young to know what really went down from 1984-1989 durin’ his career. You’re watchin’ highlights! Highlights are the best plays of his career. Therefore, you didn’t get a true sense of what was really goin’ on unless you actually saw it. So if you weren’t a grown “A” man in 1908 you didn’t see Jack Johnson fight!!!

Floyd Mayweather is the greatest businessman to EVER fight and probably the greatest tactician to put on a pair of gloves but the GREATEST fighter EVER is Mike Tyson! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: verb – to say something of importance
2) Errrybody: pronoun – Midwest, Southwest and deep south hood for the word everybody.
3) Victor Sweet: noun – the drug dealer character in the movie “Four Brothers” starrin’ Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson and Andre’3000. Victor Sweet was played by Chiwetel Ejiofor of “Twelve Years a Slave” fame.
4) Dun: noun – the person or persons in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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