Now & Laters (How LeBron is such a beast he can win with a boy worth penny candy)

"I got you dawg!"
Arnold H. Glasow, the well-known author, once said, “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” John Quincy Adams gave it to us like this, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Then John C. Maxwell, the famous author, put his shoes back on and shouted, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Well playas…I keep tellin’ you boyz that LeBron is the best that we’ve ever seen and it keeps comin’ out of his pours. I’m not just talkin’ about his ability to play the game, I’m talkin’ about his ability to lead his peers. Bein’ a great player that can score, rebound and assist is one thing but to be able to be a great player that can lead others is even of more value. Especially when he can lead duns that nobody wants to lead.

When everybody and their momma’s momma didn’t want J.R. Smith when the dull Knicks were tryin’ to unload him like a pile of spoiled potatoes. LeBron told his front office to get him and he’d take care of him. So in January Phil Jackson got hustled in an alley by some dun in Cleveland wearin’ suspenders and a belt with a clip on bow tie and some old school Stacy Adams knobs. Phil traded both Iman Shumpert and J.R. Smith for a 2019 second round pick. Did you hear me bruh? A 2019 second round pick!!!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! They essentially got that dun for a pack of Now and Laters, a can of Sprite and some frosted penny cookies. A 2019 second round pick? That’s a cat sittin’ on the bench on his 8th grade travel team right now bruh! That’s some dun that’s goin’ to freakin’ Miami of Ohio or freakin’ LaSalle as a walk-on in 5 years. In other words, they gave J.R. and Iman away for free because NOBODY wanted J.R. but the best player in the world.

Yeah, we all know that he’s an idiot, will snap on a boy in a heartbeat and do something stupid but he’s a shooter and LeBron wants shooters. Why? Because he’s constantly drawin’ the double team and shooters are wide open to knock down big shots. Sound familiar playboy? The Chicago Bulls with Jordan at the helm! Boyz act like they don’t remember that Jordan ALWAYS had shooters; Craig Hodges, B.J. Armstrong, John Paxson and Steve Kerr! Pick one at any time playa and they were knockin’ boyz down. There was always a threat of a boy doin’ damage so it made it difficult to keep the Bulls in check. LeBron knew that and wanted a boy regardless of his history.

A leader understands how to get the best out of a cat even when they go south on you. When Rodman kicked the cameraman in the gonads years ago you never heard a mumblin’ word out of Jordan or Phil about what they thought of what ole boy did. To this day you won’t get Jordan to say a negative word about the Worm. Why? Because the Worm helped him win championships!!

Fast forward to the openin’ round of the Eastern Conference playoffs this year, J.R. went south on a boy and cold cocked Jae Crowder gettin’ suspended for two games missin’ Game 1 of the semifinal round against Chicago. You never heard LeBron say a word about J.R. Why? Because leaders handle it internally.

Do you remember how bad the Pacers handled Lance Stephenson last year bruh! At every turn duns like Bird, Vogel and Paul George slammed him at the media’s request. Whenever someone asked a question about Lance and his behavior they would tell you exactly what they thought. That tears up a locker room playa. You already know that both Jordan and LeBron were pissed that boyz acted a fool on them but they handled it on the inside.

That’s why a J.R. Smith shows up in Atlanta on Wednesday night and goes to work on a boy. He knocked down 8 three pointers in route to scorin’ 28 points and LeBron’s encouragin’ him to keep shootin’! J.R. is ballin’ right now and not bein' a detriment because he’s bein’ appreciated! That's all King James' leadership!!

LeBron isn’t trippin’ about a boy shootin’ because he wants to win, not just on his strength like Kobe does. He wants to win for the sake of the TEAM! LeBron hit Atlanta for 31 and could have easily knocked down 50 if he wanted to because they had no answer for him.

However, he’s cool with another boy gettin’ his shots and it only makes the TEAM better! Kevin who? Everybody and their baby momma’s great aunt counted the Cavs out when Kevin Love went down. Why? Because they didn’t understand the leadership of LeBron and the pieces that they already had in place.

Think about it bruh, LeBron has NEVER in his career had a legitimate center. Now he’s got one in Mozgov. He’s never had shooters or at least scorers young enough and healthy enough to put in work all night every night. D. Wade could put in work but he wasn’t healthy and couldn’t do it nightly. Now he’s got J.R. Smith that can put in work. And he’s still got the old heads shooters (Mike Miller and James Jones) when he needs them at times. Yes, I know that he had Ray Allen but Ray-Ray couldn't play all night every night either. He’s got Shumpert that will play some defense and he’s long enough to cause a boy problems. He's NEVER had a legitimate point guard! Now he's got Kyrie, that truly is Uncle Drew at the point because he can get buckets when he needs to get buckets!!! And don’t forget about the damage Tristan Thompson does on the low. This could potentially be the best TEAM that he’s ever been on.

Jordan was always on COMPLETE teams when he showed up to the Finals! LeBron may finally have one bruh and he's still freakin' coachin' the team because David Blatt is on Mars most of the night. A TEAM is what wins the ship not a player. Bein’ able to lead a TEAM of men is critical. And a boy that doesn’t care about who scores the most points leadin’ that team, when he can get buckets at a drop of a hat, is dangerous! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. it whoever you’re talkin’ about bruh.
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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