Unsweetened Tea (How the Baltimore Riots are no different than the Boston Tea Party)

The Orioles and White Sox to play in front of a "souled out" stadium bruh!
As I’m standin’ out in front of Camden Yards in Baltimore waitin’ for a freakin’ baseball game to break out. I overhear these three cats arguin’ about boyz bein’ selective on what they believe to be the truth. Leopoldo Lopez, the Venezuelan politician, said, “The fundamental problem is that there’s no credibility in the judicial system, which is a system that’s been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression.” Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian playwright and poet, put his hot dog down and said, “Power is domination, control and therefore a very selective form of truth which is a lie.” Then Frank Luntz, the political consultant, shut the buildin’ down when he spit, “We as Americans and as humans have very selective hearing and very selective memory. We only hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest.”

Well playas…as we all watch the foolishness take place in Baltimore boyz only see and hear what they want and disregard the rest. Most of us are disturbed by the violence but those of us that are educated on American history aren’t surprised. What’s killin’ me are the people that watch the violence take place with a form of selective memory as they label the young black kids out here actin’ a fool as simply thugs and they're appalled by their actions.

Let’s not get it twisted playboy, any form of violence or looting is wrong! To walk into place that does not belong to you and destroy property is dead "A" wrong! However, there has always been a boilin’ point that people have gotten  to when they feel like they aren’t bein’ heard and it’s not just with black folks playa.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The duns on Fox News want to paint the picture that black folks just don’t know how to act in these situations and boyz have completely forgotten about why the chaos erupted in the first place. On some real talk, 90 percent of the folks protestin' are bein' peaceful. However, there are a few cats that have jumped off of the roof into the abiss of foolishness. Those few have reached their boilin’ point on police killings of unarmed black men in America! Sure, I hear you askin’ the question about why aren’t people mad about the black on black crime in America? They’re mad bruh but they are extremely mad that the duns that have been sworn in to protect and serve the community are killin’ boyz in the community for no reason.

If folks can’t trust the cat that is put in place to protect the people there is a justifiable outrage that takes place. Again, there is never a justifiable reason to steal and destroy property but black folks aren’t the only ones to do it in this country to get folks to listen to them.

Oh, I’m talkin’ crazy? What was the Boston Tea Party? A freakin’ riot bruh! On December 16, 1773 Samuel Adams and his homeboys, a street gang named the Sons of Liberty boarded a ship that DID NOT belong to them in the Boston Harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard in protest of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773. That was the first set of duns to loot and destroy property in this country because the British wouldn’t listen to them and that set off the American Revolution. Look it up playa if you think I’m lyin'! What they did in 1773 is no different than the fools runnin' into a CVS and burnin' it to the ground in 2015.

Since 1783 there have been more than 346 events of civil unrest in this country and the majority of them didn’t involve black folks! As a matter of fact, 41 of them took place before slavery was even abolished and only one of those involved black people. In 1831 Nat Turner led the slave rebellion which for all intents and purposes was justifiable. Think about this bruh, 157 events of civil unrest occurred before the freakin’ Civil Rights Movement. Sure, there was an occasional race riot along the way however, many of the riots in this country didn’t involve black people.
This is what frustration looks like!
  So don’t just have selective memory when some fool on Fox News tells you that black folks are just crazy! We have to understand the element at play here that created the situation in the first place. You can’t keep disregardin’ people and treatin’ them as if they don’t matter expectin’ them to be cool with it. I’m quite sure that if black police officers were consistently killin’ unarmed white kids in America we’d see the same behavior comin’ from our uneducated white brethren.

Unfortunately, not everyone is educated and understands how to deal with anger properly, black or white. Samuel Adams and his homies were educated and still flipped out on a boy to get the British to hear them. Again, violence is NEVER the proper way to deal with issues but unfortunately it always gets a boyz attention. I pray that change will come to America without the violence it's seen in the past and present. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) 100: verb – to give you 100 percent of what I know to be the truth playa.
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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