Vinny (How Trent Richardson has all of a sudden gotten serious about his bread)

"These duns better pay me my money bruh!"
When I stopped by the car wash yesterday to get the whip cleaned up, I saw these three cats standin’ outside arguin’ about boyz bein’ irresponsible. Bernard Cornwell, the English author, said, “Looking back, of course, it was irresponsible, mad, forlorn, idiotic, but if you don’t take chances then you’ll never have a winning hand, and I’ve no regrets.” Ezra Miller, the famous actor, lit his square and said, “I’m super down with being irresponsible. I’m just trying to make sure my lack of responsibility no longer hurts people.” Then Winston Churchill drank way too much of the Mad dog 20/20 when he said, “Perhaps it is better to be irresponsible and right, than to be responsible and wrong.”

Well playas…How about the former Colts running back, Trent Richardson, was more irresponsible and wrong than he was responsible and right. He was down with bein’ super irresponsible alright and his lack of responsibility has definitely hurt people, namely his family.

On Thursday the Colts released that dun and voided the $3.14 million that he was supposed to make for the 2015 season. Now ole boy has filed suit to recoup that bread that he thought was once guaranteed. What he didn’t realize was that there was language in the contract that allowed the Colts to keep it because he’d been suspended for two games end at the end of the season.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This is grown man business playboy! Trent Richardson was on some kid business and it cost him major money. Not only did ole boy miss the mornin’ walk through the day before the Colts played in the AFC Title game in New England but he missed the team flight goin’ out there too.

Now his excuse was that his girl went into premature labor and that he was at the hospital. Here’s the problem pimpin’, he didn’t call and didn’t show! His excuse was that his phone was dead and he couldn’t call. Really bruh? Wheredeydodatat? Even if your phone was dead you pick up a landline and call the job. Unless you were in a remote village in the middle of nowhere havin’ the baby you call the gig. And even if that were the case, you better send up some smoke signals. C’mon bruh! You can do better than that.

In the real world that’s a fireable offense. Like I said before, this is grown man business and grown men protect their bread at all costs. Now this dun wants to get serious and start suing boyz now that his rent is due and boyz are callin’ his crib lookin’ for their money. 

Creditors: “Hello is Trent there? Trent: “Who? Naw ain’t no Trent here! You got the wrong number playa!” Creditor: “Naw playa I got the right number because I’m standin’ out in front of yo crib wit yo car up on the flat bed right now and I see you lookin’ out of the window on the phone talkin’ to me!”

Accordin’ to my mans and nem on the inside of the organization, that wasn’t the only foolishness they got from Trent. He missed makin’ weight 14 times durin’ the season. They only play 16 regular season games bruh! So that means that this dun showed up darn near every week foul! The agreement was for him to be 227lbs. and he showed up at 230lbs. Listen to what this cat had to say about it, “We made an agreement where I’d weigh 230 pounds, but it turns out that I was supposed to be 227 pounds and they didn’t tell me that.” What!!!???

Now what does that sound like bruh? It sounds like some kid in the 4th grade lyin’ to a boy about the teachet not tellin’ him that his freakin’ homework was due 4 weeks ago. So he didn’t turn it in 14 times before somebody said anything to him about it? It’s your job to know what the expectations of your employer is playboy because they’re payin’ you!

As soon as he walks into court the judge is gonna tell he and his cousin Vinny to kick rocks. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Whip: noun – luxury vehicle
2) Square: noun – cigarette
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
4) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m talkin’ about
5) Bread: noun – money, scratch, scrilla, deniro, etc.
6) Crib: noun – house
7) My mans and nem: noun – credible sources
8) Wheredeydodatat?: Hood for, “Who does that?”

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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