Cadillac Doors (How the Final Four got caught up in some religiousfreedom foolishness)

"All of this work we've put in and the freakin' governor brain farts!"
Oscar Wilde, the Irish author and playwright, pulled up in the new whip and said, “By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.” Confucius jumped out of the big body Chevy and shouted, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Then the big homie Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. started slammin’ Cadillac doors when he said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Well playas…the Final Four is in Indianapolis this weekend and the dull governor of the state of Indiana has completely lost his freakin’ mind! On last Thursday he proved to the world just how sincerely ignorant and conscientiously stupid he was. Mike Pence signed the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law and turned the joint on its ear with foolishness. The law, which takes effect in July, now allows residents and business owners the right to use their religious beliefs as a reason to deny services to folks.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The law was designed to give a boy the right to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Let’s just call it what it is bruh! It didn't specifically state that but the law is so loosely written that it begs for foolishness to take place. What blows my mind is that boyz always want to hide behind religion and most of these duns doin’ the hidin’ have never opened the word of God in their lives! The only religious freedom God commands us to have is to LOVE EVERYBODY!

How are you lovin’ everybody if you’ve got the potential to hate someone because they’re into something that you aren’t into? This is real talk playa! Here’s my ignorant business owner screamin’ from the roof tops, “Man I’m glad that I’ve got the approval to deny these gays the right to eat in my restaurant and there’s nothin’ you can do about it! I’m Christian and it goes against my religious beliefs!”

Oh yeah! Well let me ask you this pimpin’, since you’re so Christian and I’m quite sure you’ve read the entire bible are you gonna use you’re religious freedom to deny the dun that walks into your establishment that cheats on his wife? Maybe there’s a guy that doesn’t cheat on his wife but he looks at porn all of the time. I know you’re gonna kick him out of the joint right? How about the cat that’s a drunk or the drug abuser? So I know you’ve got a plan in place to remove the cat that has a problem lyin’ to boyz? No way are you gonna serve the guy that is jealous of other folks?

I know you’re gonna stop a boy from sittin’ down that is a back stabber right? How about the duns that walk in that are fornicators? I know you’re gonna keep them from eatin’ in your joint because your religious freedom just couldn’t stomach that right?

I’m Christian and I know what the word says playa! “We’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus!” Romans 3:23-24!

Mike Pence and the senate that even passed the bill have got to be out of their minds bruh! The word of God isn’t there for you to defend playa; it stands on its own. He’s the only one with the power to judge a boy’z actions. So as the freakin’ governor your job is to govern the state and not folk’s religious beliefs. He's the governor for everybody not just the straight population of the state! It's like the fools that were upset with President Obama for not runnin' after every issue concernin' black America. He's not just the black folks President, he's EVERYBODY'S President!

Think about the amount of bread this dun is about to cost the state! Every major corporation that has come here for conventions etc. has the potential to pull out. The comic book cats, Comic Con, have already announced that they’re bouncin’! That convention alone brought in $53 million in one weekend.

He’s makin’ the city of Indianapolis look like a bunch of fools this weekend for the Final Four too! The world will be watchin’ all of the folks protestin’ this week because every major news outlet will be here and instead of talkin’ about how the city is puttin’ on a great show for the Final Four we’re talkin’ about a dun protestin’ his or her right to be different.

What happens when the NCAA announces that it’s not gonna have the Final Four here anymore or when the Big Ten pulls their football championship game and basketball tournament out as a result of this foolishness?

So Mike Pence is willin’ to lose darn near a billion dollars in revenue to satisfy the beliefs of a bunch of bigots. Don’t hide behind religion playa because the same bigots that enslaved Africans in this country for darn near 300 years hid behind the same thing. This law is like weed bruh! It’s the gateway to other discrimination.

If a boy can deny a gay couple from eatin’ in his joint then what’s gonna stop him from callin’ me a N----r and puttin’ me out? What’s gonna stop him from denyin’ the Latino cat and his girl from sittin’ down? God doesn’t condone this foolishness! So don’t put him in it. We are to LOVE EVERYBODY accordin’ to his word and if that everybody is willin’ to pay for his or her meal and be respectful in your establishment then they should be welcomed.

I don’t care if the dun was green and purple from the planet Mars as long as he’s got on a shirt, shoes and some pants and his money is green then he’s all good! Now let’s hang out and enjoy this Final Four! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Whip: noun – a luxury vehicle
2) Big Body Chevy: noun – old school Chevy Caprice, late 1980’s to early 1990’s
3) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.
4) Bread: noun – money, currency
5) Bouncin’: verb – to leave

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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