Crossfire (Why Jameis Winston has all of these media types lookin' stupid again)

"Take that wit cha baby boy!"
Calvin Coolidge once said, “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience.” Denis Diderot, the 18th century French philosopher, spit some fire when he said, “There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge…observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the results of that combination.” Then Arnold Glasow, the famous businessman, shut the joint down with, “The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion.”

Well playboys… everybody and their momma’s momma has had an opinion about Famous Jameis for more than a freakin’ year! Why? Because nobody, I mean NOBODY includin’ these duns out here that call themselves journalists never looked at the facts! On Sunday he was cleared AGAIN of any wrong doin’ by former Florida Supreme Court Justice Major Harding as a result of the Florida State Student Code of Conduct Hearing.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I completely understand regular folks runnin’ around pointin’ fingers at this kid because they don’t have to do research to have a freakin’ opinion. What blows my mind is the duns that call themselves journalists that have television and radio shows that refuse to do any research on topics and then spit opinions about subjects that they know nothin’ about!

As soon as the 86 page report was made available last year I read it from cover to cover several times! Why? Because I needed to know why both the police and the state prosecutor’s office declined to arrest nor charge a young black male of rape in this country, especially in the state of Florida.

You know as well as I do that the police will arrest a boy in a heartbeat and throw away the key on suspicion alone. Oh I’m talkin’ crazy bruh? Accordin' to the Bureau of Statistics African-Americans make up 40 percent of the almost 2.1 million male inmates in jail or prison in this country. Black males are incarcerated at nearly 6 times the rates as whites. One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison durin’ his lifetime. However, accordin’ to the statistics if black and Hispanic males were convicted at the same rate as their white counterparts for the same crimes, the prison population would decline by 58 percent.

So now that you know I’m not crazy let’s proceed with this foolishness! After readin’ the report I understood why they never arrested him nor charged him with a crime because ole girl was changin’ the story with the wind and makin’ it up as she went on. I even did a Video Rant for you boyz in the Truth is in the Details segment of my blog entitled “Separatin’ the Truth from the Lies: Jameis Winston” back in October but you still wouldn’t listen!

The only reason Florida State held the Student Code of Conduct Hearing was to keep from bein’ sued by the Department of Education for violatin’ the Title IX rights of the young lady in question. They dropped the ball by not investigatin’ it in the first place because they knew that she was lyin’ too.

Oh, chicks don’t lie? Did you see the foolishness play out in Gainesville earlier this season at the University of Florida? True freshman quarterback Treon Harris was kicked off of the team and out of school when a young lady told boyz that she was sexually assaulted and then 4 days later she recanted her story. When the truth came out that she was in fact the aggressor in the sexual encounter and that she was knockin’ down Treon and his boy durin’ the encounter. So don’t tell me that chicks can’t lie! He was reinstated back into school and on the team but here’s the problem playa! Whenever someone Googles his name for the rest of his freakin’ life sexual assault at the University of Florida is gonna pop up! So how’s he ever gonna get a job even if he graduates?

However, ole girl walks away Scott free! Wheredeydodatat? In America, that's where bruh! She should be charged and sentenced to the same time ole boy would have gotten if convicted. Start doin' that and we won't have this foolishness goin' on. Now I've got a wife, a daughter, a mother and a sister playboy. So if any man is guilty of sexual assault I think that he should rot in jail without his Johnson attached. Don't get it twisted!  

Florida State needed to do the investigation because ole girl was out for bread and they didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire. She already tried to hit Winston up for millions. Look it up playa!

They could have lost federal funding and got hit with NCAA sanctions like havin’ reductions in scholarships etc. This wasn’t about provin’ that Jameis was dirty it was about Florida State coverin’ its rear end. And that’s the edited version.

What kills me is that these media type cats refuse to do their freakin’ jobs but will hold everybody else accountable for doin’ theirs. If you are the sports expert and you’re supposed to be the voice that people go to for answers then why didn’t you read the report when it became available? Why didn’t you do your homework and speak up for this kid? Why didn’t you look at the facts and make your voice heard? Because all you wanna do is talk and not be held accountable for havin’ to do your job.

It’s easy to get in line and point fingers but it requires a dedication to your craft to study and actually know what you’re talkin’ about playboy. That’s why TheJayGravesReport always stands alone and that’s why all the Playas play here. That's why I get tall respect in these streets! Again, y’all gone start listenin’ to me! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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