Chuck (Why Charles Barkley has now become the new age Minstrel Show bruh )

"Huh? Man what you talkin' about?"
Franz Grillparzer, the 18th century Austrian writer, once said, “The uneducated person perceives only the individual phenomenon, the partly educated person the rule, and the educated person the exception.” Aristotle got boyz attention when he said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.” Then the big homie Oscar Wilde shut the buildin’ down with, “By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”

Well ole Oscar must have been thinkin’ about Charles Barkley when he came up with that one bruh! It seems like every time here lately when some of our white bretherin want an opinion of what’s wrong with black folks they call Chuck! Why? Because Chuck doesn’t know any better and he’s givin’ those few that are ignorant and racists exactly what they want to hear. And the crazy thing is, they’re laughin’ at him in the process because he’s sayin’ exactly what they want to say but can’t.

Some cat asked him about racial profiling among other things and he said that is does occur and sometimes it isn’t a bad thing. He goes on to say, “We, as black people, we got crooks…There’s a reason they racially profile us at times. Sometimes it’s wrong, but sometimes it’s right.” I could go on quotin’ this dun but why? It’s Chuck bruh!! This is the same Chuck that have been sayin’ dumb stuff (and that’s the edited version) for more than 30 years.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Since Charles Barkley stepped onto the scene in the NBA in 1984 boyz have been cringin' every time he opens his mouth. Now you wanna listen to what this cat has to say about race and politics? He can barely make sense when he’s talkin’ about the game of basketball!

Oh, I'm talkin’ crazy? I’m hatin’? This is the same guy that just last year speakin’ on a topic that he’s supposed to be an expert on, said that LeBron would NEVER get into his top 4 on Mount Rushmore because he already has Oscar, Jordan, Wilt, Kareem and Magic on it. Well, first of all you can’t have but 4 cats on the freakin’ mountain and he had five. So the dun can’t count either.

Now I could give a rip who’s on the mountain but there has to be some type of logic that goes in puttin’ them on it right? He goes on to say that LeBron has to pass Kobe first who has 5 rings because he only has 2. Now if that’s the criteria then I’m cool with that. But if that’s the logic that you’re rollin’ with playa then why is Oscar and Wilt even on the list when they’ve only got one and two rings respectively? That dun completely missed the class on less than verses greater than. My point here is why are you listenin’ to a cat tryin’ to tell you about race and politics that doesn’t even know the history of the stuff that he’s supposed to be an expert on? If he can’t tell you the history of something that he eats, sleeps and breaths on a daily basis, then why on earth are you listenin’ to his opinions on anything else?

This is the same cat that said he was gonna run for office in the state of Alabama but one minute he’s a democrat and the next he’s a republican. Now I don’t care which car you get in bruh but you gotta pick one. However, in order to be one or the other you’ve got to at least understand the fundamental thinkin’ of one group verses the other playboy.

This is the same dun that threw a fully grown man through a plate glass window while he was playin’ in the NBA but now has the audacity to call people scumbags. Yes, this is the same cat that got pulled over for drunk drivin’ that told the police out of his own mouth that he was in a hurry to get to this broad’s crib because she gave the best “mental attention.” So to ask Charles Barkley anything outside of the scope of his expertise which he’s still shaky on is to be irresponsible at the very least.

Any clown that is seriously talkin’ to this cat about Ferguson, civil unrest, politics or basic adding and subtraction should be deemed an idiot and thrown out of the world of journalism. It’s one thing to have an agenda and it’s another to be overtly racist or are they the same in this instance? Because you can’t agree that Barkley has made absolutely no sense on 98 percent of what comes out of his mouth outside of the game basketball for 30 years and then think that his opinion on race and politics or like Big Momma used to say, “me and mine” is ground breakin’ and makes sense!

He's become the new age Minstrel Show and he doesn't even know it! He's out here lampoonin' black folks as dim-witted, lazy and buffoonish to get more shine in the media. Here's the problem, he's a got a platform and he doesn't have the wherewithal to understand how to use it. So the very cats that keep askin' him questions knows that he doesn't know any better so they're usin' him to make their invalid points to people that think just like they do. He may as well put on the "black-face" and dance round for these duns at a circus. That's real talk!

I’ll leave you with the words of Chanakya, the ancient Indian philosopher, “The life of an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end, nor protects it from the bites of insects.” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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