Some Dude (Why boyz are killin' me sayin' Adrian Peterson is a good dude)

"I know dawg. I messed up bad this time!"
Every now and then I’ve got to roll through the hood to keep my ghetto pass current. As I pulled up to the light I see these three cats standin’ on the corner arguin’ about boyz tellin’ the truth. Peter Abelard, the medieval French philosopher, said, “By doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.” Galileo Galilei, the 17th century Italian physicist, took a puff of his square and said, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Then Albert Einstein pushed his hoodie back and said, “In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.”

So if the issues concernin’ the treatment of people are all the same then why are boyz out here in these streets tryin’ to give Adrian Peterson a pass? The police report clearly says that the child was marked up on his back, buttocks, legs, ankles and scrotom with defensive wounds on his hands. His text messages to this child’s mother says that one wound in particular would make her “mad at me about his leg.” He goes on to text, “I felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting his thigh.” Only to send the ultimate joint, “I got him in the nuts once I noticed.”

Since Friday more information has surfaced about this particular incident not to mention a separate incident involvin’ another four year old son with a head injury in 2013. In the most recent situation the four year old has stated that ole boy has a whoopin’ room and that AD put the leaves from the switch into the kid’s mouth before he whipped him. Wheredeydodatat?

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! That sounds like some premeditated type foolishness to me bruh. I don’t know how they got down at your crib but when I did something that warranted a spankin’ I got popped on the spot. They didn’t have to take me to some special chamber to get straightened out. And the fact that a boy is puttin’ something into a kid’s mouth before he whips him tells you everything that you need to know. This dun has a serious problem!

In the 2013 incident a different kid showed up to his mother’s crib with a head wound. Ole girl texted “what happened to my child?” and he said that he got a whippin’. She immediately texted back “what did you hit him with?” This clown says that he hit his head on the car seat. Now I don’t know where you’re from but four year olds don’t sit in car seats playa. They sit in booster seats and there’s nothin’ to hit your head on. I’m just sayin’

Now boyz around the league and cats that know him personally keep sayin’ that he’s a good dude that made a mistake. Well let me put it where the goats can get it playboy! Isn’t that always the case? The penitentiary is full of good dudes that made a mistake or several mistakes. I don’t doubt that he’s a good dude bruh. I grew up with a whole lot of good dudes that made mistakes but that doesn’t change the fact that he is what he is, a child abuser.

Check this here bruh, I grew up with a bunch of cats that were good dudes but they liked to steal. That makes them thieves! I knew several cats that were good dudes but they were stone killers. That makes them murderer’s doin’ twenty to life. I grew up with a dun that eventually pulled off the largest bank robbery in the state of Indiana’s history at the time and he was a good dude. The fact that he liked to rob banks makes him a bank robber doin’ a 25 year bid in federal prison right now. See how that works bruh! You are whatever you do. I’m not sayin’ that he’s not your boy or that he isn’t a good dude. He’s just a child abuser because he likes abusin’ children. There’s a difference between disciplinin’ and abusin’ a child.

Now if he’s such a good dude and you’re vouchin’ for him. Let me ask you this playa, would you leave him at home with your kids for the weekend? See I don’t care that he’s a good dude to kick it at the club with, drink brews and eat hot wings with, talk trash with, holler at broads with and road trip with. Is he a good enough dude for you to trust you’re most prized possessions with? If the answer is no then he’s just some dude.

See once you get to grown man status all of that good dude stuff (edited version) goes out of the window. A grown man is responsible with what belongs to him. So for this cat to treat his children that way tells me that he’s only playin’ daddy on occasion. He has no emotional attachment to those children because if he did he wouldn’t have beaten them to that extent. I wouldn’t beat me dog like that bruh.

Like I said over the weekend in the hot joint entitled “Goin Ham”, he lacks good judgment. He’s got 7 kids by 5 different women for cryin’ out loud. He turned himself in and took his mug shot with a smile on his face. Do you need any more proof that he lacks good judgment? Now he’s been charged with an horrific crime and he’s smilin’ on the mug shot. He doesn’t even realize that that picture will eventually make its way into court as evidence that he doesn’t care about what he did. Again, it’s called havin’ poor judgment! It all rolls together bruh. Now he’s a helluva football player but he’s a child abuser, don’t get it twisted.

See the truth ain’t always pretty but its necessary and when you get the nerve to finally look it in its face it’ll talk to you and keep it real with you too. It’ll tell you that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck playboy! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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