O.G. Bobby Johnson (How Goodell found out that it's way too much work tryin' to be a gangsta)

"Runnin' the streets ain't easy bruh!"
Nigella Lawson, the English journalist and broadcaster, once said, “At some stages of your life you will deal with things and at others you are overwhelmed with misery and anxiety.” Og Mandino, the famous author, stood up and shouted, “Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is…the highway to success.” Then Friedrich Nietzche was slammin’ Cadillac doors like OutKast when he said, “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”

Well playboy…Roger Goodell tried to be that individual and the tribe is overwhelmin’ him to the point where he’s lonely and frightened. See ole boy tried to come into the league a few years ago and be the judge and the jury, the Great Oz, if you will. He wanted to show cats that it was his word that allowed the streets to move like he as O.G. Bobby Johnson or somebody.

Well guess what playa? If you wanna be the Ace there’s a whole lot that comes with bein’ the Ace. The first thing that the streets teach you is that you can’t regulate everything in the streets. You gotta pick your poison and stay with that. Everybody specializes in somethin’ bruh. The dun that tries to do too much always gets his head blown off.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The NFL messed up when they dove into the “off the field disciplinary actions business.” And that’s the edited version pimpin’! See when they were in the football business only things ran smoothly and when boyz got into trouble they would let the judicial system handle it. See how that works bruh?

If you stay in the football business then you only have to deal with things that affect the game. Like duns takin’ steroids, smokin’ weed, takin’ PED’s etc. Simple stuff! And that’s definitely the edited version.

See when Roger jumped out of the birthday cake and wanted to get into the off the field behavior business he picked up boyz killin’ teammates while drivin’ drunk, duns makin’ it rain at the strip clubs in Vegas and a plethora of domestic violence and assault cases. Then he and his boyz had to sit down and put together a full menu of offenses with the disciplinary action to match each one of them. You get four games for this, three games for that, six games for this and a year for that.

Then it got confusin’ when boyz started pullin’ branches off of trees and beaten the brakes off of kids. There wasn’t anything on the freakin’ menu for that. So boyz started makin’ stuff up (edited version) because they no longer knew what to do. Roger was overwhelmed.

He was so confused that the Vikings just went ahead and deactivated the child abuser cat for last Sunday’s game because it seemed like the right thing to do. However, while they were deactivatin’ him nobody thought about the other 14 weeks left in the season. What do we do with those joints? He’s not gonna go to trial until next year. So do we lose games and bread waitin’ on him to go trial or do we play him and make our bread until the real judicial system plays out?

The duns down in Carolina deactivated a boy on Sunday after he had already played week 1 even though he’d been convicted of domestic violence last summer. Why? Because Minnesota deactivated the child abuser cat on Sunday too. But on Monday both teams activated both players because they realized that they were in the football business and not in the off the field issues business. Funny how that works ain’t it playa?

Now the 49er’s looked at all of these duns like they were crazy and played their Ray Ray until somebody steps to the curb and formally charges him. They were like, “We’re in the football business only playboy! Y’all can go head on with that foolishness.”

See if the NFL had stayed in its lane from jump they wouldn’t be dealin’ with all of this grand standin’ that boyz are doin’. Every Woman’s Group in America is callin’ for Roger’s head on a silver platter but only after the tape of Ray Ray the Puncher actually surfaced last week.

Where were they in February when the dun actually committed the crime and drug her off of the elevator unconscious? Why weren’t they outraged at the prosecutor’s office for lettin’ ole Ray get into the diversion program when less than 1% of people charged with that felony actual gets into a program like that? There’s the outrage right there not the NFL screwin’ up their ole janky off the field menu! If the cats in the prosecutor’s office had simply done their jobs, Roger wouldn’t be dealin’ with any of this foolishness. I’m just sayin’.

See if Goodell hadn’t wanted to be O.G. Bobby Johnson he wouldn’t be dealin’ fly overs callin’ for his job. Sure, boyz would be still catchin’ cases but the punishments wouldn’t be fallin’ into his lap and nor would the public outcry for him to handle every fool that gets into trouble.

Oh…boyz stayed in trouble back in the day bruh! I guess you don’t remember cats like Hollywood Henderson, Lawrence Taylor, Ray Lewis, Michael Irvin, Todd Marinovich and the list goes on. When they got into trouble the league would let the legal system handle these duns like Pete Rozelle and Paul Tagliabue would just roll over at night and keep fartin’. They got up in the mornin’, went to work and dealt with football issues, not whether some clown should get a time out or not and for how long.

If you got convicted of a crime then you couldn’t play because you were in jail. The fans couldn’t force a boy into a corner because he gave Pookie one thing and Ray Ray another. Naw playa… if it wasn’t a football issue the commissioner wasn’t touchin’ it. Ole Roger wanted to be a gangsta and jumped off into the mote with the polar bears smellin’ like Harold’s Chicken and jalapeno peppers. Now he’s gotta deal with it. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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