Residuals (Why Paul George has been more of a problem than Lance Stephenson EVER was)

"You right bruh! I gotta get it together."
John Burroughs, the 19th century nature essayist, once said, “A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” Ralph Martson, the writer and publisher of the Daily Motivator, stood up and shouted, “Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.” Then Khalil Gibran, the famous Lebanese poet, poured out a lil’ liquor for all the dead homies when he said, “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”

Well playboy…if Paul George were a responsible dude the wind wouldn’t keep revealin’ to the trees that he’s a hot mess. The latest out of the Paul George cycle of foolishness is that ole boy is refusin’ to pay child support for his five month old daughter that he had with a Miami stripper. Accordin’ to the New York Post this dun is pullin’ out all of the tricks tryin’ to avoid payin' the piper.

He even tried to get it moved to federal court! Whattt? Wheredeydodatat? Then he tried to get it moved to out of New York where the baby was born to Florida where the baby was conceived. Then when that blew up in his face he asked for custody all together but here’s the kicker bruh, he’s never even seen the freakin’ baby! That's like droppin' the baby off at the Kringles and puttin' a name tag on her.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! For years I’ve been tellin’ you boyz that Paul George was the problem and not Lance Stephenson. However, you duns wouldn’t listen to me when I would say it because Lance was always easier to blame than anyone else sittin’ in the ride because he seemed a little too rough around the edges for you. All Lance ever did was come to work and give boyz the business on the floor. Now he was unorthodox in his approach; ok he was lil' ghetto in his approach but it worked. Did he not hold the best player on the freakin' planet to 7 points and 24 minutes in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals last season? Who cares if he had to blow in a boyz ear to do it? He did his job!

He was gonna give you 13 points, 7 or 8 rebounds a night and just as many dimes. He led the freakin’ league in triple doubles for cryin’ out loud but boyz around here hated him. But the face of the franchise is out here tryin’ to pay strippers off to avoid havin’ a baby that he implanted and now he's refusin’ to pay child support for it. Not to mention, he's askin’ for custody when all else fails. Really?  

That dun must have thought that Edward Scissorhands and Stevie Wonder was sittin' on the bench! Here’s my diehard Pacers fan screamin’ from the roof tops, “Man why you are all in his business bruh? That’s a hater move! Leave him alone!” I’m not in his business playa I’m just a tree out here and the wind keeps blowin’ all of his foolishness my way. All he’s gotta do is stop pillow talkin’ to the wind and I wouldn’t know all of this foolishness.

Did I get in his business or did his business fall in my lap when he jumped in the freakin’ Bronco with O.J. a few weeks ago tryin’ to defend Ray Rice’s dumb butt with that ignorant tweet? And that’s the edited version! Did I get in his business when he took off all of his clothes, jumped on Facebook and started takin’ pictures of himself thinkin’ that he was hollerin’ at some chick that turned out to be a dude runnin’ game on him? Have I been responsible for all of the rumors floatin’ around about his antics with his teammates? Naw playa, that’s him pillow talkin’ with the wind and she keeps blowin’ his business into my face. At some point you knew I had to exhale.

It blows my mind how boyz out here will hate on Lance Stephenson for playin’ ball with an edge but continue to give Paul a pass because he’s the face of the franchise. Well let me say this pimpin’, somebody else needs to be doin’ his make-up because the face he's been puttin' on is terrible.

PG's baby momma: "Ladies this is what the retitement package looks like!"
Can you imagine if LeBron was out here doin’ the same foolishness that PG is on? OMG!!! What kills me is that cats hate LeBron but will defend duns like Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and now Paul George. LeBron has been in the league for eleven years, was raised by a very unstable mother in the middle of the ghetto. He didn’t even know who his daddy was all while livin’ from pillow to post literally goin’ from coach’s house to his friend’s house just to survive and he’s never once been on the news for anything other than playin’ basketball.

But you duns hate him, love Adrian, Ray and Paul and Lance is still sittin’ in the blame box because in your mind he’s too ghetto. Ain’t that a blip! Well, I hope PG gets his act together, buy some condoms and take a long hard look in the mirror while he’s rehabbin’ this year because his reckless behavior will cost him big not only personally but professionally and financially.

Here’s a quick piece of advice lil’ homie, if the broad takes her clothes off for a livin’ that means that she’s in it for the money. Here’s how it’s supposed to work playboy. She gets undressed, you look at her, pay her and then you go home alone. That’s straight out of the stripper’s handbook playa as ridiculous as it sounds but that's how some duns spend their hard earned bread. It also says in Section 10, Articles 4 and 5 that “If you see a sucka that 6’9” or taller that seems to be extremely irresponsible and somewhat gullible take him to the crib, put that thang on him and hit the jackpot to cash in on the residual retirement package.” Now that Lance is in Charlotte, who are boyz gonna be the scapegoat now? I'm just sayin'! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The photo under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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