Pink & Green (Why Bruce Levenson wasn't bein' racist he was just bein' real)

"That ain't what I was sayin' dawg!"
Bill Cosby once said, “By the 1960s, many of us believed that the Civil Rights Movement could eliminate racism in America during our lifetime. But despite significant progress, racism remains.” Rosa Parks stood up and said, “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and hopefully, we shall overcome.” Then the Pierre Berton, the Canadian non-fiction author, shut the buildin’ down with, “Racism is the refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.”

Here’s the problem playboy, so many people are quick to stand on the roof top and holler racism before they even begin to understand what it is. For that reason boyz piled on the Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson’s email and labeled it as racist because he talked about race. Now it was racial but it was far from racist playa.

First of all bruh, let me explain to you what bein’ a racist is. For someone to be racist they have to show that they are bein’ demeaning to another person based on race. It has to show that the person in question was sayin’ that his race is superior to the other person’s race etc. In this instance he wasn’t. Ole boy was talkin’ business strategy and not racism.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! In order to understand what ole boy was sayin’ you’ve got to read the email in its entirety to keep everything in context. Otherwise, you’re one of the duns jumpin’ out of the window when the cats on TV told you that all he said was that he wanted more white cheerleaders and that the “Kiss” cam was too dark.

So for the sake of keepin’ all of you overly sensitive cats from trippin’ let’s label the white people “pink” and the black people “green” for the sake of this discussion. That way boyz can separate themselves from the situation.

What this dun said in the email was that they’ve got a problem with season tickets sales. The normal demographic for season ticket holders is 40 to 55 year old pink cats and when he looks at his arena on game nights he’s got a seventy percent green audience.

Here’s the problem pimpin’ green folks in general don’t buy season tickets in any city. Sure, there are a few boyz that do but as a general rule of thumb greens don’t. Boyz wait and look at the schedule and buy the tickets to the games that they want to see. Like when LeBron, Mello, Kobe, KD, D. Rose and duns like Tim Duncan and Co. show up. As a businessman havin’ an arena full of greens that don’t typically by season tickets ain’t good for forcastin’ business playa.

He went on to say that if our plan is to increase the demographic of pink fans that will buy season tickets then we need more things that will attract that audience like more pink cheerleaders? If we want to attract more pink dudes then you gotta have more pink cheerleaders.

As far as the "Kiss" cam goes he was like Buggin' Out said in Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, "Hey Sal, why come ain't no pink brothers on the wall?"

If we wanna attract more pink cats 40-55 years old to increase season tickets then why is it that every time we have a concert before or after the game we’ve got hip hop music playin’? Sure, young pinks listen to hip hop as much as greens do but again that isn’t the demographic that we need to sale season tickets to either. That’s why he said that he needs more pop or country music. It’s not racist it’s racial and real talk.

He goes on to say that the team merchandise isn’t sellin’ durin’ the games? Why? Because greens don’t buy team merchandise at the games bruh. It’s not that they can’t afford it because Atlanta has one of the largest populations of rich green folks in the country. More professional athletes and entertainers of green decent make their homes in Atlanta than any other city.

So they’ve got the bread but greens don’t spend their money in the pro shops durin’ the game. They eat, drink and watch the game playa. They buy their gear at the mall when they're buyin' their sneakers playa. Pinks shop at the pro shop that’s why Levenson wants more of them in the freakin’ arena.

When he said that if the bar is full of green brothers and most southern pinks feel uncomfortable bein’ the minority in the bar, he wasn’t lyin’. However, they’re just gonna have to deal with that because if the brothers are at the game they’re gonna be at the bar. So in order to equalize the bar situation you gotta circle back to that after you figure out the rest of this pimpin’!

He went on to say that he notices that durin’ player introductions the arena is empty. Well if seventy percent of your audience is green and greens operate on GP- time then it would only make sense that the joint is empty at tip off. Was he lyin’? No he wasn’t! It wasn’t racist it was racial because race was the decidin’ factor in sellin’ season tickets.

Now this would all be a mute-point if fifty percent of the seventy percent of greens at the games were season ticket holders. He doesn’t give a crap about what color the fans are as long as he can sell them season tickets. Then he wouldn’t trip if the post-game concert was 2 Chainz. But when season tickets are down and he’s givin’ concerts to duns that don’t buy season passes and don’t shop in the pro shop he’s losin’ money. That ain’t bein’racist bruh! That’s called bein’ a counter of money!

Y’all wanna act like race doesn’t always play a factor in marketin’ and promotion. You better wake up! In the mid to late eighties McDonald’s was the first to start usin’ hip hop music to sell hamburgers. They weren’t tryin’ to sell to pinks they were sellin’ to greens.

When Nike and Adidas and all these cats are puttin’ these commercials on TV with a hood background and an urban flavor they’re aren’t goin’ after the pink buyer. They’re rollin’ down you’re green urban streets of LA, Chicago, Detroit, New York etc. Now they’re cool if brother pink buys some shoes but their real bread comes from the green boy that will buy sneakers every time he gets paid or every time Big Momma gets her check. Don’t look at me funny I’m just puttin’ it where the goats can get it.

So if everybody else can look at race when puttin’ a strategy together why can’t Bruce Levenson, even if he panicked when he didn’t need to? He was so afraid to upset a few folks that he bailed without a fight or did he? Let’s keep it 100 one “mo-gin” like Mr. Willie down at the car wash would say. He wanted to sell the joint anyway because he’s guess what? Losin’ money! Why? Because he can’t get the right demographic into the buildin’! Why? Because Atlanta is just a different animal than most cities. Why? Because the greens have all the bread down there but they refuse to buy season tickets and the southern pinks don’t feel comfortable around a bunch of rich greens at the bar. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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