Dude Pieces (Why the new NFL Domestic Violence Policy has to beinclusive to both straight & gay players)

"Uhhhhh... I guess you're right about that Jay."
J.C. Watts, former U.S. Congressman and Oklahoma quarterback, once said, “Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” Victor Hugo kept it simple with, “Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.” Then the O.G., John D. Rockefeller, broke it down like this, “Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.”

Well…finally the NFL is lookin’ to put a defined rule in place that will spell out the punishment for domestic violence. After the Ray Rice situation completely blew up in Goodell’s face, boyz are tryin’ to keep that foolishness from happenin’ again. The new policy could set suspensions of four to six games for a first time offense and then bring the hammer on a boy of a full season for a second offense. It makes sense to me playa.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Why hasn’t there been a rule in place all along bruh? It’s crazy to me that you would have rules in place for every other form of foolishness; DUI, smokin’ weed, takin’ unauthorized pills, fightin’ in the club, shootin’ yourself in the leg, takin’ selfies with Justin Beiber etc. but no domestic violence rule in the code of conduct policy! Really?

So you’re tellin’ me that a league full of duns that are on level 10 when it comes to testosterone never thought about the possibly of a cat hittin’ his girl? I mean really? Nobody sittin’ around the table ever said, “What if a player gets into an argument with his girl and hits her?” Even after ole boy, Jevon Belcher, shot and killed his girl and then himself in the freakin’ parkin’ lot of the Kansas City Chiefs football complex.

Even if there were no rules in place before that incident that should have been a wake-up call. How do you not seriously put rules in place for a league full of men that are paid to be violent? That’s crazy to me bruh!

Now while they’re puttin’ the domestic violence joint into the code of conduct. Are they puttin’ a clause in there for gay players? Let’s say Michael Sam gets into a fight with his boyfriend. Will it be characterized as just a fight or will it fall under the domestic violence clause? It would first have to determine who is considered to be the male dominant personality vs. female dominant personality in the relationship to make sure that we get in right. Right? I’m just sayin’!

I’m not bein’ facetious baby boy I’m bein’ real. Because if Joe Blow gets into a fight with his girl and gets a six game suspension and ole Sam, on the other hand, punches his dude and doesn’t get suspended at all then we’ve got a problem.

So I’m all good with the NFL puttin’ a policy in place for domestic violence because there can never be any gray area in punishin’ players for actin’ a fool. However, it just needs to be inclusive to EVERYBODY in the league not just cats with wives and girlfriends. It’s gotta be the same set of rules for cats with dudes and side-dudes pieces too. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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