Shinin' (Why the first openly gay college football player is bein' selfish & just tryin' to get famous)

"Hey everybody! Look at me!"
Marya Mannes, the famous author and critic, once said, “Timing and arrogance are decisive factors in the successful use of talent.” Hesiod, the ancient Geek poet, gave it to us like this, “Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things is the most important factor.” Then Steven Van Zandt, the famous musician, broke it down into baby food when he said, “Timing really is nearly everything. And what it isn’t, circumstance makes up for.”

Well playboy, timin’ really is nearly everything and the Arizona State football program understands full well what I’m talkin’ about. Offensive lineman Edward “Chip” Sarafin told Complete Magazine that he is gay becomin’ the first active Division I college football player to come out publically.

Like I’ve said on numerous occasions, I think everyone has a right to be themselves and live the life they want to live. Diversity is of paramount importance in this society. So if Chip is gay then that’s his business. I just believe that the timin’ of the announcement was terrible and selfish.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Chip is a member of the Arizona State football “TEAM” that just reported to camp a week ago. So that means that they are in full tilt trainin’ camp right now. Athletes and coaches are creatures of habit and anything that throws that off creates problems.

It’s great that ole boy wants the world to know that he’s gay but he could have told us that durin’ the spring when he apparently told his teammates. Why sit through the summer and then drop the bomb on boyz right in the middle of trainin’ camp? Boyz as in the media that tells the world.

What the rest of the world doesn’t understand bruh is that the smallest things become distractions in a sports locker room. Not the fact that Chip is gay but the fact that every media outlet in the freakin’ country is gonna be camped outside their complex wantin’ to ask players and coaches about how they feel about playin’ with a gay athlete etc. Not about the upcomin’ season or the game of football! All they’re goin’ to be talkin’ about now is some cat’s sexual preference which at this point is counter-productive for everybody involved.

Sure, on a college campus the Sports Information Director can to some degree keep the media at bay when it comes to players. However, the head coach is gonna get badgered for the next few weeks with questions that have absolutely nothin’ to do with football.

Here’s the kicker, ole boy jumps out of the birthday cake and he doesn’t even play! They said that this dun has yet to play in a freakin’ game and he’s in his fifth-year! So now they’re answerin’ questions from magazines that care absolutely nothin’ about football durin’ the most important time of the year for the team; about a player that won’t even touch the field. Talk about a distraction and a cat that just wants to be seen bruh. 

He's worse than the cat that scores a touchdown and takes his freakin' helmet off. Are you kidding me? 

So what’s really goin’ on playa! Is this cat pullin’ a Michael Sam all over again? You darn right he is! And that’s the edited version! He’s completely irrelevant and now he’s become the biggest story in the college football today and he doesn’t even play.

Nobody else is gonna say it so I will! Chip comin’ out durin’ trainin’ camp was the most selfish thing a player could have done because he’s taken the attention away from TEAM and put it all on himself. He’s been gay bruh. So why was it necessary for him to come out durin’ camp and not last spring? Why not when he showed up at Arizona State five years ago?

I’ll tell you why playa! Because he’s enterin’ his final year of eligibility at ASU and he wanted to shine because he hasn’t touched the field yet so how else can he get famous. He’s all over Sports Center today and the world knows his name now. However, his teammates and coaches that were gettin’ ready for the season to start and are now fieldin’ questions about a dun that’s so deep in the bench they need a map to find him. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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