Chosen One (Why boyz want to anoint Michael Sam the one but he's reallyjust Eddie Murphy)

"It's me dawg! Trust me on that!"
Franklin Graham, the famous evangelist, once said, “I’ve never really been one to try to be politically correct. I just feel truth is truth, and sometimes I probably offend some people.” M. Russell Ballard, a high ranking official in the Church of Latter-day Saints, gave it to us like this, “It may not always be easy, convenient, or politically correct to stand for truth and right, but it is the right thing to do. Always.” Then Robert Kiyosaki, the famous self-help guru, kept it real with, “Being politically correct means saying what’s polite rather than what’s accurate. I like to be accurate.”

Well playboy, ole Robert and I were brought up on the same school of thought. I’m not gonna say what boyz want to hear I’m gonna say what boyz need to hear. Even though the St. Louis Rams probably have the best defensive line in football and there’s really no room for Michael Sam on the roster in that position he’s gonna make the team anyway bruh. Why? Because the politically correct world wants him to that's why!

Ole boy made the first round of cuts as the team trimmed the roster to 75 players. They’ve got until Saturday at 4pm to get it down to 53 studs. I know that boyz will argue that Sam has been ballin’ and that he should make the team based on his stats alone. Through three preseason games he has five tackles and three sacks. He’s also had two quarterback pressures and a quarter hit. Sounds good to the dun that doesn’t know what he’s lookin’ at right?

Well let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! He hasn’t been playin’ against first team cats bruh. Also the Rams drafted this dun in the 7th round knowin’ that they’ve got the best defensive line in the game. They figured that they could jump off of the roof and make a splash by draftin’ the first openly gay player in NFL and be done with it by now. However, that plan just farted in the pool. Because the world wants to see him play and see him play now, boyz don’t care that he isn’t a stud. They just care that he’s gay and is cool with tellin’ folks that he is.

See it doesn’t matter how well Sam has played up to this point because they’re solid at the defensive end position. He hasn’t played well enough to take anybody’s job bruh but they can’t cut him. Why? Because the world demands that there is an openly gay player on that roster. Now we all know that there are some gay cats in the league right now but it's mums the word on them until they come out. So ole Mike is it.

I’m all for inclusion and like I’ve said in several other Hot Joints in the past on this subject. To be a black man and not be for inclusion would be ridiculous. Here’s the problem that the Rams have run into though. They drafted a cat that they didn’t have use for in the first place and now he’s the “Chosen One” for the gay and lesbian community and boyz aren’t goin’ down without a fight. He’s not a first round pick with first round talent. He’s a seventh round pick with seventh round talent that hasn’t taken anybody’s job.

So under normal circumstances he’d be lookin’ at a plane ticket to the crib this Saturday but that ain’t gonna happen pimpin’! Why? Because he’s makin’ the Rams way too much bread at this point. He’s got one of the highest sellin’ jerseys in the league and the Rams have sold out season tickets. So you gotta keep him bruh! Otherwise, it's like sellin' tickets to see Beyonce and then havin' Da Brat show up on stage. You're gonna have a riot if that dun isn't out there. 

Sam Bradford’s done for the year and he’s the only show in town at this point. So in my P. Diddy/Puffy Daddy voice, “He ain’t go-in no-where!”

And most importantly the Gay and Lesbian community has ordained this dun the “Chosen One” when he shouldn’t be but since he’s the only cat standin’ he’s it playa.

See when Jackie Robinson integrated the Major League’s he was the best player in the league. He wasn’t a bottom of the barrel draft pick that the brothers just got behind just because he was black. He was better than anybody in the Major League. So it made sense that he was the “Chosen One” but Michael Sam isn’t. He’s freakin’ Eddie Murphy! "I want da knife!" Classic line bruh!

"I'm right here playa! You just gotta be patient tho!"
The Rams even know that they can’t cut this dun because they’re tryin’ to find somewhere for him to play and justify his existence to other football people. In the NFL defensive ends don’t play on special teams bruh but the Rams has got this cat runnin’ out there on guess what? Special teams!  So they can tell the world that he really did make the team legitimately.

Jeff Fischer said out of his own mouth, “It’s rare that you get a defensive end that’s going to go out and contribute on all four of your core special teams. So specials teams is not going to be part of the equation for Mike.” And then he goes on to say, “We’re giving him every opportunity to do so, and he’s participated in special teams practices and everything, but that’s not going to be part of the criteria for the evaluations.” What?

He sounds like a dun trapped in a closet butt naked gettin’ waterboarded. That makes absolutely no sense. If it’s rare that a defensive end would play on special teams then those rare occasions would be reserved for the freaks in this business like a Jevon Kearse or the new freak, Jadeveon Clowney because they’re long, athletic and can run like a gazelle. Not for some cat that is undersized and slow as molasses. And with him playin’ on special teams isn’t part of the evaluation process for him then why is he playin’ on special teams?

Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh. Michael Sam is gonna make this team playa but not because he deserves to. He’s gonna make it because of the ground swell of support for people wantin’ to see an openly gay player in the NFL. That’s foul because some kid that deserves to make that team isn’t because the world appointed Sam the “Chosen One” when he really wasn’t. The real “Chosen One” is out there but you’ve just got to be patient enough for him to show up. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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