Suckas (How Melo & Phil got Knicks fans believin' in the tooth fairy this mornin')

Trust me dawg! We got these suckas now!"
T.S. Eliot, the famous essayist, publisher and playwright, once said, “It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.” George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright, broke it down like this, “No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious.” Then George Orwell, the English novelist, shut the buildin’ down with, “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”

Let me see a show of hands of all of the duns that thought Melo was gonna leave New York? As a matter of fact, the suckas that really thought that he was gonna leave $120+ million on the table stand on your head and spin around 122 million times because that’s what he signed for. When they put the offer on the hood of the car it was obvious that ole boy wasn’t goin’ anywhere playboy.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Melo is Melo! Better known as The Ball Stoppa, the Black Hole of Basketball. If you give him the ball it ain’t comin’ back your way playa. He’s gonna give you a 46 point night but he’s gonna give up 42 on the other end. He’s the same dun that has only been out of the first round of the playoffs but once or twice in his freakin' career. You do the math playa.

So for all of the clowns really believin’ that Melo was flirtin’ with leavin’ because he wanted to win a championship obviously doesn’t know a thing about basketball. You can’t win a championship with a dun that doesn’t share the ball and refuses to play defense. Stop it!

Here’s my diehard New York Knick fan rockin’ the Melo jersey sittin’ next to Spike Lee, “Yo Jay you’re the sucka son! Melo is back and Phil is gonna get him right kid! He’s gonna change the way he plays the game and the Knicks are gonna win a championship with him!”

Y’all act like Phil is the head coach out there bruh! He already told you that he was gonna be the part-time President of the New York Knicks. When he signed his deal for $12 million a year he told you that he was goin’ to be in LA as much as he was goin’ to be in New York. Derrick Fisher is the head coach playa not Phil. He can’t be the president and the head coach livin’ in LA half the time. Wake up bruh!

Then you’re hollerin’ about Melo changin’. You sound like the broad that starts datin’ a cat that she really doesn’t like but says that she’s gonna change him. You can’t change a grown man. He is who he is when you hook up with him. You gotta take it or leave it. Melo knows how to play the game one way and it works for him. Shoot the darn ball! And that’s the edited version.

Why do I say that it works? Because the dun just signed a $122 million contract to play basketball. It’s workin’ like a son of a gun. And that’s the edited version again!

"Bout to kill 'em now playa!"
Stop with all of this “he wanted to win a championship” foolishness. Everybody’s not in it to win a championship. That’s real talk! Championships are a TEAM award that are won by great front offices and organizations. The only way you’re gonna win a title is if you’ve been blessed enough to play for a well-run organization at the right time. The Knicks organization is garbage and has been for more than 41 years.

Here’s my Knicks fan again, “Jay you’re a sucka son!! Phil is back and he’s gonna show the Knicks how to win! How can you say that we’re a garbage organization?” Like all of the old hustlas used to say, “The truth is in the details playa!”

Anytime you pay a dun $12 million to run your organization that told you in the interview that he wasn’t gonna be in town but half the time you’re poorly run. Anytime you pay a rookie head coach that just took his uniform off last month $5 million a year when the average head coach makes between $2 and $3 million a year the front office is insane. Anytime you pay a dun $122 million that is a ball stopper that refuses to play defense and you continue to lie to fans by tellin’ them you wanna win a championship you’re a garbage organization.

Just tell the fans what you’re really tryin’ to do playboy, sell tickets, ad space and cable subscriptions. After all, James Dolan is the President and CEO of Cablevision. If I can get these suckas to believe that we’re really tryin’ to win then they’ll keep showin’ up and sellin’ the joint out and for the clowns that can’t get into the buildin’ they can watch it on their new Cablevision box.

In Dolan’s mind he’s winnin’! Just like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and Thomas Ricketts that owns the freakin’ Cubs! These duns are winnin’ as long as sucker fans keep believin’ that they’ve got a chance. So by doin’ things that look good it’s like puttin’ gasoline on the fire that keeps them interested for decades. Because there isn’t a Knick fan alive today that doesn’t think Phil is the answer and he’s sittin’ at his desk this mornin’ at the crib on a webcast pullin’ a Sam Rothstein. He’s got on a shirt, tie and blazer but he’s butt naked from the waist down. And all of the Knicks fans are waitin' for the tooth fairy to show up. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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