Shadows (How ESPN DeBo'd sports journalism by suspendin' Stephen A. Smith)

"Can you believe this.....!"
Chris Pine once said, “The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” Then Leonardo da Vinci hit boyz in the dome with, “Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to me to be of supreme importance in perspective, because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill defined; that which is contained within their boundaries themselves will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background of a different tone from themselves.”

In the world of sports journalism the shadows that the big homie Leonardo mentioned are the life experiences by which we all bring to the table. Therefore, ESPN was foul in suspendin’ Stephen A. Smith for his comments on the Ray Rice situation. If you don’t want real answers don’t ask a boy real questions.

To be clear let me tell all of the duns that didn’t hear what ole boy said what he said. I heard him on Mike & Mike even before he was on First Take that day and he said as I paraphrase playboy, he had been raised by five women; his mother and four older sisters. So any man that puts his hands on women should be dealt with. It’s unacceptable to abuse a woman! He then went on to say that there are times when there are women that will provoke a man and we don’t know what happened in that elevator.

Our perspective as human beings are grounded in our upbringin’ and our shadows bruh. So the cat from rural or suburban America is goin’ to have a completely different view of the world than the cat that grows up in ghetto. Stephen A., like myself, grew up in the ghetto. So therefore, our level of experience in matters of violence is goin’ to be greater than the dun that grew up in the suburbs. We’ve seen more than you care to imagine playboy.

So when he says that there are situations of provocation he’s not just makin’ things up to piss the world off. He’s keepin’ it real. The women that are in the shelters for abused and battered women and children aren’t the women he’s talkin’ about. He’s talkin’ about the broad that grew up DeBoin’ boyz whenever she gets mad at them.

I’ve seen chicks pull out knives on a boy or just run up on a cat because she’s mad and start throwin’ hands. We all saw Solange go at Jay-Z in that elevator a few weeks ago. That’s the provocation that Stephen A. is talkin’ about. Does it make it right? Absolutely not! But when duns like ESPN suspend a boy for tellin’ you what’s real out here all they’ve done is empowered the Solange’s and lady DeBo’s of the world to keep actin’ a fool until they hit the wrong cat and end up knocked out somewhere. Is it wrong to hit a woman? Absolutely! But at what point does a man have the right to defend himself?

For some strange reason everybody's glossed over the fact that Ray Rice's wife, then girl, was also charged with assault. That means that the police saw what actually happened on the elevator. I'm just sayin'! That's why Stephen A. brought it up. 

I believe that both men and women should be held to the same level of accountability when it comes to violence. I’ll give it to you like Big Momma always did, “Keep yo hands in yo pockets!” That means that nobody has the right to hit I don’t care how mad you get.

I’ve seen a boy get his teeth knocked out by his girl. I’ve seen cats get cut, stabbed and physically assaulted by their so-called girlfriends because the world has empowered them by sayin’ that under no circumstances is it permissible to hit a woman back.

Did anybody see the Cleveland bus driver upper cut the broad on the city bus bruh? And when he hit her some chick on the bus said, “That’s a girl!” Well she wasn’t actin’ like a girl when she was talkin’ strong to him, spit in his face and fired on him. Y’all act like these men out here are robots sometimes. At some point a dun will snap. Does that make it right? Absolutely not! But it makes it real and that’s all Stephen A. was tryin’ to tell you simple minded individuals but you didn’t want to hear it.

What kills me is that these companies say that they want diversity but what they really want is Stephen A.’s black face and his flavor/swagger but they don’t want the shadows and perspective that comes with it. They want the look of diversity but they want everybody thinkin’ the same and that's an oxymoron.  

God allowed John, Luke and Mark to all write about the crucifixion in the New Testament. Why did he need three duns writin’ about same thing? Because they saw the situation from different perspectives. Havin’ multiple perspectives brings clarity to the discussion.  It’s OK to disagree with Stephen A.’s perspective but you can’t say that he was lyin’!

We all saw Tiger Woods’ wife chase him out of the house with a golf club in a rage. She hit the back of ole boy’s Escalade with the force of an elephant. Let’s say for example that he wouldn’t have been able to get out of the house because he was trapped in a room and she swingin’ that club. What does he do? Stand there and get beat to death or does he disarm her by hittin’ her to get the club out of her hand?

By suspendin’ Stephen A. and then havin’ the unmitigated gall to not even discuss the suspension on the network you’ve empowered Tiger’s ex-wife and women like her to do the same thing the very next time a dun pisses her off. I know I’m talkin’ but y’all ain’t listenin’.

Also what they’ve done is shut down every real conversation that ever comes up from now on. Boyz are never goin’ to give their true perspectives on race, homosexuality or domestic violence because by givin’ a real answer you'll get suspended or in Rob Parker’s case fired. What he said about RGIII is what ninety percent of folks and his teammates were already thinkin’ but he got fired for sayin’ it. So all you’re ever goin’ to get is the politically correct answers from not only Stephen A. from now on but from everybody else in the media. Why? Because boyz gotta eat.  

Well…everybody but me because Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Stephen A. just didn’t paint the picture. You can’t ever leave room for boyz to fill in your artwork and put the shadows in for you.

So from now on ESPN may as well stick to play-by-play and only the on-field stuff. And that’s the edited version. Sports is more than just what happens on the field playboy. It’s real life and if we aren’t goin’ to talk about real life situations then we may as well limit sports to just watchin’ the game.

Here’s the most important question of the day pimpin’. What happens if Michael Sam and his boyfriend get into a fight? How is the NFL and the advocacy groups gonna handle that? And who at ESPN is gonna get suspended or fired for not bein’ politically correct with his or her answer to a real question. In my Colonel Jessup voice ESPN, “You can’t handle the truth!” because you’re owned by Walt Disney and you really don’t want to tackle real life situations because you got the kids on your mind 24/7.

Well guess what bruh? The kids out here already know what’s real so you may as well talk about it and stop bein’ the naïve parent that thinks you’re hidin’ the truth from them. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk

1 comment:

  1. have said it all...summed up and wrapped in a bow.....get it!!!! Booty Booty Bow Wow!!!!


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