Ole 2nd Hand (Why Josh Gordon is that dun runnin' game in the principals office)

"Naw dawg! I was just in there smellin' it!"
Henry Ward Beecher, the famous abolitionist, once said,“Hold yourself responsible to a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the famous psychiatrist known as the pioneer in near death studies, got smooth on a boy with, “I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.”Then Theodore Roosevelt unloaded some fire when he said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”

Well…Josh Gordon better not start kickin’ himself playboy because he’ll need to have surgery to get his foot out of his throat. That dun is way out of control bruh.  On Friday his legal team is expected to show up in court and argue that ole boy’s positive test was caused by second-hand smoke! What?

He sounds like the cat in the principal’s office that told him that the other kid’s face just kept fallin’into his fist on lunch hour. Then his legal team is gonna try to get technical on‘em when they show up hollerin’ that ole boy’s "A" sample tested at 16 nanograms per milliliter, a bare one nanogram per milliliter above the15-nanogram-per-milliliter threshold, while his "B" sample -- which should theoretically be consistent with the "A" sample, as it comes from the exact same specimen -- tested at 13.63 ng/ml, lower than the threshold.

Then the dun sittin' on the bench glazes over and say’s, “Git yo “A” outta my court room wit that foolishness! You’re the same clown that was suspended last year for two games and lost two additional game checks for the same thing. Not to mention that you were kicked off of the team at Baylor after already bein’suspended twice for smokin’ weed and you want me to believe that you were just sittin’ in the room with some duns that were smokin’ and you were playin’Madden? I’m my Ochocinco voice, “Child Please!!!”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Once you get a reputation for bein’ a screw up then you don’t ever get the benefit of the doubt playboy. All of that sounds good and even makes sense to some degree if we were talkin’ about a dun that’s never been in trouble but we’re talkin’ about Dennis the Menace!

These cats are even goin’ to bring up the fact that scientific evidence shows that second-hand smoke can in fact produce a positive test. What? You don’t have to get scientific to tell us that bruh! A freakin’crack-head can tell you that. Boyz have been gettin' contacts for years playboy and non-smokers have always known not to get in the ride with smokers. That's rule 1 in the Get High Handbook. Since it’s obvious that second hand smoke can produce a positive test why would you be sittin’ next to duns smokin’ weed and you’re a repeat offender? I'm just sayin'.

That’s like a dun that just got out of prison for robbin’ banks and gets a ride home from prison with some cats that are on their way to rob a bank. Everybody in the ride has got on a ski mask so he just puts one on too. They pull up to the bank and boyz tell him to stay in the car. When the police show up he jumps out and tells them that the duns inside with guns were just givin’ him a lift to the crib.

How much of that story are they gonna believe pimpin’? None of it!! Because he’s got a history of robbin’ banks and wearin’ really nice ski masks you idiot. That’s Josh Gordon bruh. Take the one year suspension and keep it movin’ playboy because ain’t nobody tryin’ to hear that foolishness.

This is the same dun that just got arrested a few weeks ago on a DWI charge isn’t it? Even though they are two separate incidents the common denominator is Josh Gordon. But he wants the judge to believe that he was just sittin’ in the crib while Pookie and Ray Ray nem was gettin’ lit up and he didn’t touch the weed? So I guess he's gonna use the Bill Clinton line, "I smoked it but I didn't inhale." C’mon playa save yourself the embarrassment and let it go. You came up dirty and there it is. Stop with this foolishness. You sound like the dun that knocks on my door at 3:30am askin’ to borrow my VCR to tape a movie that only comes on right now. You sound like the cat that says, “let me borrow your TV because mine doesn’t get channel 6 on Wednesdays for some strange reason bruh.”  

Josh Gordon has a drug problem bruh and it needs to be addressed but the only person that can do that is Josh Gordon. Stop makin’ excuses playboy and man up because it's your life not the duns in court makin' excuses for you. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photoisn’t real but its REAL talk!     

1 comment:

  1. Jay, this Josh Gordon piece , "is a piece of work--good work".

    I am saving my "classic Jay Graves",,and this is one. The 3 lead off quotes, are the greatest. ...the old left hander


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