Johnny Fakeball (How the Browns let the media punk Manziel into admitting mistakes)

"Ima just tell you boyz what y'all wanna hear okay?"
Ice Cube once said, "I think, to me, reality is better than being fake." Orson Welles stood up and shouted, Fake is as old as the Eden tree." Then Ismail Haniyeh put a stamp on the joint with, "Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.

On Friday Johnny Manziel addressed the media at Browns camp and was as fake as a three dollar bill bruh. Ole boy got up and jumped right out of the birthday cake on his head with, "At the end of the day I've made some rookie mistakes etc." The reason that I say that it was fake is because he didn't mean it. Some public relations cat told him to get up there and say it so that they could move on.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! That dun hasn't done anything wrong bruh! He got drafted and kicked it like a normal 21 year old professional football player should. As a matter of fact, he's kicked it like any 21 year old does before he starts a freakin' job. Are you kiddin' me?

These media type cats kill me actin' like ole boy was supposed to be at the Browns facility 24 hours a day workin' when he was off. He was there when he was supposed to be there durin' the week and at OTA's. Who's at work on the weekends at midnight as a player in the off-season?

Johnny Football is a victim of social media playboy. The only difference between him and other superstars from the college game that have come into the league over the last 50 years is that everybody has cell phone with a camera on it includin' him.

Can you imagine if there was social media around when Lawrence "LT" Taylor, Michael "The Play Maker" Irving, Broadway Joe Namith, The Punky QB Jim McMahn, Hollywood Henderson etc. etc. etc.. OMG!! Get off of Johnny Football!!

What blew my mind yesterday was that Warren freakin' Sapp had the unmitigated gall to say that Johnny needs to look at Tom Brady and Peyton Manning because they weren't at the club. They weren't at the club? What kind of comment is that bruh? You don't know what they were doin' when they were 21 because there was no Instagram. And it's comin' from Warren Sapp!! That dun got it in more than anybody.

Manziel has nothin' to apologize for because the season hadn't started and he was within his right to get it in. Now if he shows up this week and doesn't know the playbook and is trippin' over his feet missin' reads etc. then it's a problem.

The only problem that I had with ole boy was that he showed up on the field with a Team USA sweatshirt and hat on while the rest of the team had on Browns team issued gear. I'm mean who does he think he is? If the team is suited and booted with team gear on then he should be too.  Boyz needed to get in his grip for that but all of this foolishness about him partyin' is for the birds.

Manziel admitted to makin' mistakes one minute and then defended goin' out the next. Don't give a fake apology bruh and then tell a boy that it's nothin' wrong with what you're doin'. If you like gettin' it in then stick to your guns playa.

As long as you go to work and know your "stuff" everybody's cool except for some jealous journalists that's gonna hate regardless. We need more cats in sports like Charles Barkley when he was in his prime. He used to tell boyz how it was and wouldn't apologize for it. Let these duns know who you are and keep it movin' Johnny. Why? Because people can appreciate and respect a genuine cat. You may not have liked Barkley but you had to respect him.

And don't give me that whole "Barkley was a Hall of Famer" crap because at 25 years old he wasn't. When he was throwin' boyz through plate glass windows at the club he wasn't so stop it. He told you media cats where you could shove it and you had to take it. As long as a boy can back it up I'm cool with him tellin' you like Big Momma used to say, "Like it sho nuff T.I. is!"

When I see these cats get up and give a prepared answer that some cat in the PR department wrote they lose all credibility. He's bein' paid to play quarterback and if he can learn what he needs to know and play his position then he should be able to do whatever he wants to do off of the field as long as he's not breakin' any NFL rules and federal, state or local laws. Stop me when I start lyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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