Or Worse (Why Ray Rice's suspension was appropriate under the circumstances)

"Yeah bruh I messed up bruh.."
Denis Waitley, the famous motivational speaker, once said, “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” Jim Rohn, the author and motivational speaker, broke it down like this, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” Then the big homie Max de Pree, businessman and writer, came through with, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.”

On Thursday Ray Rice found out that he was gonna be responsible for sittin’ his butt down for two games as a result of gettin’ into a squab with his then fiancĂ©e now wife Janay. Not only was he suspended for two games but he also lost an additional game check datin’ back to last season. So essentially he lost three games that totaled $529,411.24. Now I’m not sure where you’re from playboy but a half million dollar punch in the heat of a "dual" fight is punishment enough for a boy that’s never been in trouble before. He’s only gonna make $1 million this year! You do the math playa.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What kills me is that all of these media type cats want to be judge and jury of this situation without once again doin’ their freakin’ homework. Speakin’ of responsibility bruh! Journalist, both on TV and in print, have a responsibility to give their audiences all of the facts and not just bits and pieces of information so that their opinions make sense.

Ray Rice has never been in trouble before and both he and his girl were charged with assault. That means that ole girl was swingin’ too and not in self-defense. What it really means is that she was in that elevator whoopin' his butt because no way would the police charge a woman with assault especially after she had just gotten knocked out! I was born at night not last night pimpin'!

Ray Rice made a mistake tryin' to get his girl off of him! He caught her with what boyz call a loose one. For all of you cats that didn't grow up in the ghetto, that was the joint that was only supposed to back her up off of him but it landed. He didn't mean to knock her out or even for it to land. Was he dead wrong? You darn right he was but he doesn't deserve to be suspended for the entire season like most of these clowns keep suggestin'.

So stop actin’ like ole boy was at the New Jersey casino just throwin’ hands at his girl and knocked her out. We’ve all seen it before where some women will jump bad with a boy and start swingin’ and end up on the floor. Is it wrong? Absolutely! Should he be punished? You darn right he should but not for an entire season. I had no problem with the two games.

However, to say that he should lose any more than what he’s already lost is ridiculous for a first time offender. He’s lost more than a half million dollars bruh and he’s had to go through counselin’! I could have seen a four game suspension for the punch because that’s pretty much what duns get for gettin’ into trouble like that's the NFL's version of a value meal.

Now everybody and their momma saw Jay-Z gettin’ abused in that elevator by BeyoncĂ©’s sister Solange. Now the only reason that she didn’t end up on the floor is because A) He’s old and wise enough to know better because he’s 40 plus! B) He’s worth $450 million! And C) There was a dun holdin' her back! If he were 27 and only made a $1 million dollars a year he probably would have knocked her “A” out. And that’s real talk!

It’s never permissible for a man to put hands on a woman. However, it’s never permissible for a woman to put hands on a man. Somewhere along the line folks got it twisted and told little girls that it was okay to hit boyz because they’re not supposed to hit you back. Well…everybody doesn’t follow that line of thinkin’ playboy or should I say, everybody isn’t mature enough not to hit back. I'm just sayin'. So the moral of the story is to stay away from both males and females that have a tendency of hitting.

I’ve got an eleven year old daughter and I tell her all of the time “keep yo hands in yo pockets!" Don’t you think for one minute that you have a right to swing on one of these little boys because instinct is a beast and I don’t wanna end up in jail.”

What these women don’t realize is that when you swing on a boy more often than not basic instinct will put you on the floor. Is it right? Absolutely not! Does it happen? You darn right it does! And that’s the edited version.

Once the punishment for Rice was handed down these same media cats that can’t think for themselves heard some fool say something that makes no sense at all and they ran with it. Some clown jumped out of the cake and said, “Josh Gordon got suspended for an entire year for smokin’ weed and Ray Rice only got two games for knockin’ his girl out! What? Josh Gordon is a habitual offender you idiot. He didn’t just walk up with a blunt in his mouth and got suspended for an entire year. Use your freakin’ brain and stop repeatin’ foolishness that you heard some idiot say.

This dun was suspended last year for two games and he lost two additional game checks for the same thing. Not to mention that he was kicked off of the team at Baylor after he’d already been suspended twice for smokin’ weed. You sound like a fool even tryin’ to compare the two.

Josh Gordon has a serious problem. You already know that if he was suspended multiple times in college and then kicked off of the team he was busted probably 10 times by the student trainer before anybody else even found out about it. Ole boy tried to give him fair warnin’ and he kept doin’ it.

If Ray Rice had been some cat that is always in trouble then a lengthy suspension would have been appropriate. If he were constantly doin’ things that put the team in jeopardy then sit his butt down. But a mistake is a mistake bruh. He’s gone through counselin’ and he’s lost significant bread. He’s paid the price for havin’ a fight with his girl. Let’s move on.

Josh Gordon, on the other hand, is probably somewhere right now smokin’ weed or worse. He's a drug addict and you can't have that on your football team. Why? Because he puts everybody else in harms way gettin' high. Ray fightin' with his girl only endangers he & her unfortunately and that incident was an anomaly because he's never been in trouble before. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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