Really Real (Why the Lakers couldn't wait on Doc so they chose Byron Scott)

"Well it's about time bruh!"
Tony Robbins, the famous life coach, once said, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” General George S. Patton got real with boyz when he spit this, “The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That’s the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead. Then Phil McGraw, better known in the hood as that dun Dr. Phil, poured out a lil’ liquor for all the dead homies with, “Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.”

Finally the Los Angeles Lakers have made the right decision by hirin’ Bryon Scott to be their next head coach. The crazy thing about this situation is that after hollerin’ at ole boy three times they still had to make the decision right. It took these duns three freakin’ interviews to decide that he was the right cat for the job. Wheredeydodatat?
Again, its peaks to the foolishness in that front office with Jim Buss continuin’ to drive the Bentley into the guard rails. Now how and why does it take you this long to hire a dun that meets every requirement known to man to run your team?

Let’s keepit real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The Lakers are like the broad that used to be fine years ago and from time to time will pull her old standards out on a boy and look like a complete fool. Why? Because everybody standin’ around her knows that she’s dated some busters in the past and now she wants to flex on a boy.

We saw her run out and holler at the Mike twins, Brown and D’Antoni only for them to drag her through the mud, especially D’Antoni. She didn’t really give Brown a chance to get comfortable enough to fart and pick his nose before she dumped him. Now she wants to act like she’s gotta take Bryon Scott through the freakin’ obstacle course when he’s been the most qualified cat, from a Lakers standpoint, that she’s hollered at since Phil.

How are we foolin' bruh? You know these duns were sittin' around waitin' to see what Doc Rivers was gonna do. This whole Sterling situation has boyz twisted. They were bankin' that Doc would get mad enough and bounce. That way they wouldn't get accused of tamperin' but he didn't move. So here we are playa.

She was so arrogant that she just let Brian Shaw walk after Phil retired for God’s know why. He knew the players, the culture and the triangle that was already in place. But she wanted to show boyz that she could do her own thang without a solid coach because cats have been tellin’ her how fine she’s been for years. Not realizin’ that it’s been the front office and the dun’s she’s been datin’ that have made her fine. Just because you’re the Lakers means absolutely nothin’ without a solid front office and head coach. 

Then she had the audacity to take this dun through three interviews when he’s clearly the dude that she’s been tellin’ her girls that she’s been lookin’ for. First of all, he played for the Showtime Lakers durin’ their glory years and won three NBA titles. So he understands what the culture should be around the joint. Secondly, he’s got a great relationship with Kobe because they played together durin’ the Mamba’s rookie season in ’96. He was Kobe’s first mentor in the league. That’s huge because at least the most selfish man in LA won’t try to run over his coach now. Finally, he worked as an analyst last season for the Lakers television station so he understands the make-up of this foolishness called a team goin’ in bruh.

It’s always extremely important to hire people that understand the culture of an extraordinarily successful organization. If they don’t understand just how real it is goin’ in they are destined to fail because it’s overwhelmin’ once you’re in the vacuum. Failure will set the joint back years.

Am I lyin’bruh? Just ask the University of Michigan about hirin’ a boy that didn’t understand just how real it was when they ran out and got Rich Rodriguez from West Virginia? For years Bo Schembechler would say that only a Michigan man should coach a Michigan team. What he was really sayin’ was that only someone that understands the culture should be drivin’ the Ferrari because it’s just that delicate and in his Method Man voice, “It’s REALLY REAL.”

I’ll never forget durin’ Rich Rod’s first year at the Big House that dun said that the Michigan fans need to get a life. Then right before “The Game” against Ohio State he said, “I didn’t realize that it was a big as it is.” That’s a problem bruh! You’re drivin’ the freakin’ million dollar Bugatti into the wrong neighborhood and you’ve got no clue that the war was bein’ fought with real bullets.

That’s what the Lakers have been doin’ for the past few years bruh. They been runnin’ out grabbin’ cats that have had no idea what the Lakers culture looked or smelled like. Then had the nerve to pledge the one guy that has lived it and has a great relationship with the “big butt and a smile” that nobody can coach. Y’all will catch that one later on today and will be like daaaaaannnnggg! And that’s the edited version.

Well at least they came to their senses and made the best hire that they could have possibly made. Good luck playa coachin’ the Cosby Kids this year. I heard that Weird Harold’s  jumper got mean over the summer, Mush Mouth can talk a good game and Fat Albert’s post game is a beast now. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At YaBoy!
Get @ me onTwitter: @jaygravesreport
The captionunder the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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