Kickin' Rocks (Why Jason Kidd stepped to the wrong Russian and got told)

"Oh so it's like that now huh?"
Les Brown, the famous motivational speaker, once said, “Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.” Vince Lombardi said it this way, “Winning is not everything but wanting to win is.” Then Bernard Meltzer, the famous radio host, leaned back in his chair and hit boyz hard with, “Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get.”

Well it looks like old dull Jason Kidd tried to pull a power move on the Brooklyn Nets to gain more control within the organization and boyz weren’t havin’ it. Therefore, they’ve given the Milwaukee Bucks permission to holler at that dun. According to a confirmed New York Post report ole boy stepped to ownership about havin’ personnel control in addition to coachin’ and they were like “You can kick rocks on that bruh.” 

Can you imagine Prokhorov chillin' in his office talkin' to some hot chick and Jason Kidd walks in and interrupts him like ole boy did Big Red in the Five Heartbeats. "Hey dawg I need more control!" Prok: "Hold on a second bruh I'm busy." Kidd: "Hey man I need to talk to you about my royalties and your books!" Prok: "My office hours are between 9 and 5!" Kidd: "Screw yo office hours I wanna talk now!" Prok: 
"You want more control of what playboy?"

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Ole boy just saw Derrick Fisher and Steve Kerr, both new coaches, sign five year $25 million deals. Keep in mind that he just finished the first year of a four year deal worth $10.5 million. So in his competitive brain he’s under paid. Like I keep tellin’ you boyz out here, “YOU’RE ALWAYS WORTH WHAT A BOY IS WILLIN’ TO PAY YOU!”

However, if he’s not willin’ to pay you he’s gonna tell you to kick rocks because what you won’t take another dun is always willin' to take. It was completely unreasonable for both Kerr and Fisher to get $25 million relatively speakin' in the first place but boyz dumped it out anyway. That’s life and you can’t hate on them gettin’ it. Everybody’s situation is different babyboy. However, if you start runnin’ around comparin’ your check to the next cats check you’re gonna find yourself in trouble bruh. That's why they never discuss bread on the job.

Fortunately for Kidd, the Bucks wanted to holler at him because co-owner Marc Lasry is tight with him. Not only was he a former minority owner of the Nets but he was Kidd’s financial advisor. Now it doesn’t look like he’ll be coachin’ the Bucks because they’ve got a coach already. It should be interestin’ to see how it all shakes out though.

Let me give all of my duns out there the disclaimer on some real talk though. You can only step to ownership, managers, supervisors, the boss man or whatever you call them and pull a “Kidd” if you already got bread. Because you gotta be prepared for a boy to tell you to kick rocks. Jason Kidd has more bread than he can count so it really wasn’t about the bread for him, it was about his ego pimpin’! He wasn’t gonna be shown up by some duns that just walked into a job especially Derrick Fisher in New York and watch him get $15 million more. In his mind that was disrespectful.

Now the crazy thing is that other coaches in the league are lookin’ at Jason Kidd and feelin’ the same way because they’ve been puttin’ in crazy work too and still there's no surprise in the Cracker Jack Box for them either. Most cats had to pay their dues for years on the sidelines as video coordinators and assistants etc. Think about duns like Brian Shaw, for example, that waited for years to get the nod. Patrick Ewing is still waitin’. Then you’ve got cats like George Karl and Lionel Hollins that are veteran coaches that can’t even get a sniff and a dun pulls off his uniform one day, puts on a suit the next and gets the keys to the Bentley whether it’s for $10.5 or $25 million and you’re trippin’on wantin' more control bruh?

It’s nuts and you got the nerve step to a boy after one freakin’ year of coachin’? That’s asinine! But once again, he’s got the leverage to do it because he’s got bread and his boy in Milwaukee is gonna make the landin’ soft for him. Life ain’t fair playboy so you gotta get in where you fit in. Don’t worry about Jason Kidd because he’s gonna be alright. But don't try this at home!

It might even be a blessin’ in disguise for the Nets because with Kidd kickin’ rocks they may be able to move on from some of the agin’ veterans that were considerin’ stickin’ around because of their boy. Paul Pierce was lookin’ to re-sign and KG, who turned into Old Otis durin’ the Eastern Conference semi-finals against the Heat, has given indications that he would play his final year in Brooklyn.

If nothin’ else they wouldn’t be upset if KG turned in his thick & thins and thong toe sandals he was wearin’ durin’ the playoffs and took off the suspenders and belt he was rockin’ at the same time when the Heat made him look like Uncle Leroy down at the car wash out there. KG needs to sit his butt down somewhere and hopefully with Kidd bein’ greedy has helped him make that decision. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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