Still Lyin' (Why DeSean Jackson just needs to stop talkin' and go to work)

Whut chu talkin' bout Willis? This ain't no gang sign!"
Josh Billings, the 19th century American humorist, once said, “There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can’t tell the truth without lying.” Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, gave it to us like this, “The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception. Then Aristotle went way over a boyz head with, “Excellence, then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a mean, relative to us, this being determined by reason and in the way in which the man of practical wisdom would determine it.”

In other words pimpin’, if I gotta do all of that you lyin’ it ain't worth it bruh! Well, DeSean Jackson has already gotten a new job and he’s still out here lyin’ to boyz about bein’ gang affiliated. He’s still runnin’ game on all of these naïve cats in the media that didn’t grow up in the ghetto or ghetto’s that are gang related to be more specific.

In a recent interview this dun says, “If I score a touchdown or make a play and my boys at home can see me throwing up the area we’re from, that’s me showing them love.” Now the average middle aged white guy from the suburbs or rural America shakes his head in agreement and continues on with the interview. He’ll also be naïve enough to buy a brand new flat screen from him in the box without tellin’ DeSean to open the box and plug it in too.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The NFL is not playin’ with these cats out here bruh. It’s a $9 million business and the Eagles were payin’ this dun $10.5 per year to run routes. Now that Daniel Snyder has taken a chance on him because he can ball, he better grow up real quick. And like Biggie said, “first things first”, learn how to admit that you’ve made some mistakes and move on. Stop lyin’ to boyz out here in these streets that you ain’t affiliated because they’re laughin’ at you playa. I grew up in heavy gang territory in the G. I know a gangsta when I see one.

My high school was the filter for three gangs; the Black Gangsta Disciples, the Vice Lords and One Way. I was cool with all of the homies because I was a ball playa. In the ghetto the gangstas like to tell boyz that the ball playas are their boyz and the ball playas like the respect that they get in the streets because the gangstas got love for them. But as cool as I was with the gangstas I couldn’t throw up signs or hand gestures like this dun is tryin’ to sell to these clown naïve media type cats. Ain’t no way playa. Either you’re affiliated or you’re not. Ain’t no love for the hood that looks like a set. 2-5 was the hood known as the ‘Velt! That was my high school and all the hoods connected to it. When boyz threw up 2-5 it didn’t look like GD Folks, VL or One Way. Not even close homeboy because that’s the difference between life and death in the ghetto.

If you’re throwin’ it up you’re all in. So stop with the foolishness and take yo butt to work like a grown man. At some point you gotta grow up and at 28, 29 years old you gotta let the homies that’s still bangin’ in the hood that haven’t realized that it’s real out here go. I completely understand that at 21, 22 years old boyz are still makin’ excuses and still bangin because they don’t know any better. But by the time you hit darn near 30 you’ve seen enough boyz die and get popped to understand that it’s time to do somethin’ else.

I’m not tellin’ you what I heard playboy! I’m tellin’ you what I know. I grew up in the same environment with the same rules. At darn near 30 that’s what the old timers used to call “A Fully Grown Man.” That’s the point where life really changes for a boy because it gets real. So stop lyin’ to folks and go to work.

You gotta another job and they’re payin’ you through the nose to do it. You gotta be smart enough at this point to tell the sucka media type cat that you’re done answerin’ questions about the mistakes that you made in Philly and you’re movin’ on.

Why? Because you sound stupid continuin’ to tell boyz that you ain’t gang affiliated when you’re clearly throwin’ up sets, rockin’ set colors, hangin’ out with known gangsta takin’ pictures with O.G.’s with the same gear on. That’s like me puttin’ on a clown costume with full make up and shoes, standin’ next to freakin’ Bozo only to tell boyz that I don’t even know this dude. Oh and we decided to throw up the same hand gesture while takin’ a picture. Stop me when I start lyin’! And 2-5 Fo Life!!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but it’s REAL talk!

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