Young Duns

 "I know I'm not the only dun in trouble. Just the only one on a murder charge!"
The older you get the more wisdom you seem to acquire. I guess it's life's experiences that make you more aware of what could happen before it happens. See when you're a young dun you can't see the foolishness that you're getting in line for. "An idle mind is a devil's workshop", according to The Handbook of Proverbs written by Henry G. Bohn in 1855. Interestingly enough, most folks think that it’s a bible verse but it isn't. However, it makes all the sense in the world.

Since the Super Bowl in February, 31 NFL players have been arrested and counting. None more intriguing than the foolishness that is Aaron Hernandez. So why do boyz get into so much mayhem during the off-season? Because they’ve got way too much bread and time on their hands bruh! Young duns with money have to have something to do and the word “Off” is an automatic problem playboy.

The only time boyz were tamed was during the 2011 NFL lockout off-season. Things were extremely quiet with very few duns getting into trouble. You didn’t see any of the usual news worthy stories like we’re seeing now. There were no bar fights or usual weed related arrests, no domestic violence or murder charges. Why? Because boyz weren't comfortable with their money situation at the time. See duns don’t get paid during the off-season and if there was going to be a lockout then what little bread they had would have to last them until the joint was over. So boyz stayed in the house.

According to a Sports Illustrated article in March of 2009 entitled "How (Why) Athletes Go Broke” 78% of NFL players file for bankruptcy or are going through financial hardship as a result of joblessness or divorce due to child support within two years of retirement. So during that off-season, duns were real low key on foolishness because they weren't sure when they would get back to work.

 As soon as the negotiations starting moving closer to being settled, the cap was torn off and the foolishness jumped out of the can again. Within a week three players got way too comfortable. Two of the Pittsburgh Steelers ran out into traffic with Hines Ward getting popped first for a DUI in L.A. and  James Harrison just completely lost his mind with the Men‘s Journal interview where he posed with guns etc. Remember that? Then Pacman Jones got arrested for hollering, cursing and resisting arrest at a Cincinnati restaurant a week later. Well that dun is always getting arrested in front of a restaurant or club. This year he fired on a broad in front of a joint but she threw a bottle at him. So she bought that whipping but what is it about this fool that he can’t act right at dinner or just plain after 5pm?

When you’re young you just don’t have the vision to see things coming before they show up because experience is the best teacher. Big Momma used to say, “Best sense is bought sense.” Unfortunately, many of these duns in the NFL aren't old enough to have the life experience to see foolishness waiting for them at the corner.

 I can remember growing up in the “G” and seeing boyz getting set up and robbed on a regular basis. As a child I saw it so many times that I knew when it was coming even before it happened. I can remember walking home in the evenings from football practice and seeing two cats walking towards me on the same side of the street. The hood rule of survival was to cross the street before they got close to you to avoid the potential of getting robbed or just plain jumped. Now if they crossed the street with you, you knew that it was a set up so you would just take off running! That was standard hood survival protocol playboy.

Oh yeah, when you walk into a restaurant, bar or club the first thing that has to be done is to identify all if the exits before you sit down and when you do, never sit with your back to the door. As long as I live I’ll never forget those rules.  

You can only see it if you've got some experience in the game and unfortunately, these young cats can't see the robbery before it happens. That's why the NFL season has to hurry up and start to save the blind from leading the blind and crashing car into the guard rail! At the rate these duns are going we won’t have enough players to fill the rosters to even play. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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