Gettin' It (CP3 gets $107 Million)

"How much bruh? That's what's up!"
The British statesman, Stanley Baldwin, once said, “I would rather be an opportunist and float than go to the bottom with my principles around my neck.” The famous poet, Charles Bukowski, gave it to boyz like this, “Before you kill something make sure you have something better to replace it with.”  Ned the wino hangin’ out in the vacant lot by the “L”  beggin’, just kept it real when he said, “I’m not leaving this spot until you can assure me that the new joint down the street has liquor that is wet and stings.”
Chris Paul knows a little something about making sure things are right before he commits too playboy. A couple of weeks ago he was looking into other options like playing with ole Buster Brown himself in possibly Atlanta or Houston. Then things changed earlier this week when Doc Rivers was hired as the new head coach of the LA Clippers.
Now that Doc is in place it only makes sense for ole boy to accept a 5 year, $107 million contract extension to stay in Lob City today! Why not? Now he’s got a coach that’s a proven winner and it’s LA! Here’s that same dun again screaming from the roof tops, “All these dudes are trying to do is get paid. There’s no loyalty among these guys. That’s why I hate professional ball players. They’re just greedy.”
 Let me explain something to you playboy. This is called professional sports for a reason and the only loyalties on the table are to a player’s family and they better make sure they’re in good standing too. On some real talk, how many people even knew that there were two teams that called the Staples Center home before CP3 showed up? Most cats didn’t even realize that they just changed the floor when the Clippers were the home team. How many duns can even name 10 players in the history of the Clippers before 2010? How many cats rockin’ the Chris Paul Clipper joints have enough short term memory to realize that that joint is supposed to be purple and gold?   
So before you blast this cat for doing what he’s supposed to do, ball out and ball out, pay attention to the street signs playa. If you can read the signs you’ll make it in this world. They always point in the right direction. Go where the stability, opportunity and bread is in that order. Doc Rivers just pushed the joint over the top for CP3. If Doc had stayed in Boston he’d be looking to play elsewhere. That’s real talk!!
Now Buster Brown has to figure it out for himself. So you can expect for this cat to seesaw back and forth for the rest of the summer irritating boyz to no end. You know he can’t make up his mind for dinner let alone tell you where he’s gonna play next year. I’m just glad CP3 didn’t get caught up in that foolishness!  
Here this fool goes screamin’ again, “CP3 or any other athlete for that matter isn’t worth that type of bread! Are you kidding me? Teachers, policemen and firemen are the real hero’s buddy!” Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! You’re exactly right pimpin’, but last I checked the people that make the most money in this world are those that generate revenue!
Until boyz start rockin’ $250 Office Friendly jerseys on the block with $200 shoes to match or when cats start paying $1,500 or more for court side seats to watch firemen put out a 3 alarm fire in the projects; or better yet, when cats start televising and selling advertising space to see the best English teacher in the world give her home room a test 3 or 4 times a week, duns like CP3 are always gonna make more bread.

Did I forget to mention the $200 million that a winning team ushers into the local economy annually via hotels, restaurants, rental cars, shopping etc.? These cats are under paid if you ask me. How can you justify everybody else gettin' paid and not paying the superstar responsible for the money flow?
Stop with the crusade for teachers, policemen and firemen son! I've got TALL respect for boyz that put their lives on the line to keep us safe but where are you gonna get the bread to pay them if duns keep voting against tax increases? Where do you think the money comes from to pay them? In my Big Momma voice, "Boy you think I'm just blowin' money out of my nose?"

They aren’t complaining because they chose the freakin’ profession knowing full well what it paid. Stop hating on cats that have extraordinary gifts that were blessed enough to be able to use them. Ain’t nobody paying to see teachers work bruh! So until that happens shut up!
The same dun that’s screamin’ for policemen, firemen and teacher compensation was the same clown that voted no to raising taxes, state, federal or property! So stop it! Just stop it!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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