Unconscious (Heat 77 Spurs 113)

"I won't remember any of this in the morning bruh! Me either!"
Sigmund Freud once said, “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” The famous author, Anis Nin, put her cigarette down and said, “Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.” Then William Irwin Thompson, the social philosopher, got tall respect when he said, “The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling.”
Danny Green and Gary Neal were out there dreaming, weaving, imagining and simply not thinking or feeling anything as they led the San Antonio Spurs to one of the biggest blowouts in NBA Finals history.  Behind their unconscious shooting the Spurs beat the breaks, doors and transmission off of the Miami Heat 113-77!
San Antonio shot 50% from downtown setting an NBA Finals record by making 16 3-pointers led by Danny Green who went 7-of-9 and finished with 27 points. Gary Neal went 6-of-10 and finished the night with 24 points! Both of these duns have to be sick this morning with a hangover. They were so drunk in the moment that there is no way they'll even remember what happened last night.
It’s like when a boy goes to Vegas with the fellas or a girl with the girls and they wake up the next morning safe in bed but have no idea how they got back to the hotel. That’s Green and Neal this morning bruh! They got it in but it’s all a blur. When cats are shooting like that ain’t nothing you can do but take it on the chin playboy.
The only thing the Heat could have done to stop them from shooting was to break their arms playa. They were pulling up from the Alamo blind folded. There was even one jumper that came in from nearby Converse, Texas 20 minutes after the game was over and boyz are still trying to figure out who shot it.
I’ve been ridin’ ole boy Kawhi Leonard’s fro all week but he must be like Sampson. He gets his power from the corn rows with the bangs that definitely need to be re-done or simply cut off. I guess he’s superstitious and he’ll cut it once they win the ship! Hey, even if they don’t win the joint I’ve got some boyz looking for him to fade him up when this joint is over. The corn rows had him solid again with 14 points, 12 rebounds and great defense on LeBron.
Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Did Kawhi play great defense or did Lebron play soft? Now Ima give you props when you ballin’ and Ima keep it real when you’re, in my old school coach’s voice, “Shuckin and jivin’ out there!” If you’re the best player on the planet there is no way that it’s even possible to go 2 of 13 out of the gate because if the jumper ain’t falling then you should immediately start taking boyz to the rack for insurance purposes. There is no way Jordan or Kobe would have been settling for jumpers when that joint was clearly broken and the game was getting away from them! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Real talk playa, how are you the best player alive and let a boy with BANGS and CORN ROWS even line up in front of you? That's like letting a cat with wrist bands, pimp socks and the original Zips talk trash, let alone walk out onto the court and say "I got you tonight Elroy!"
There was nothing that Kawhi or anybody else did on defense to keep that dun from scoring. He was being passive with the rock and that gave two cats that had to show ID to get in the building confidence to shoot the Heat’s brains out. LeBron didn't have single free throw attempt all night! Wheredeydodatat?

It makes sense to make the right basketball plays when boyz are in a zone but when they’re sound asleep you gotta take over pimpin'. LeBron picked up D. Wade’s bad habit of taking a smoke break during the freakin’ game and forgot to put the stick in the door and couldn’t get back in the joint.
By the time somebody let him in, Neal and Green were on fire and the joint had gone from a kitchen trash can burner to a full 3 alarm boy that completely destroyed the property. He finished with 15 points but that’s like spitting on a forest fire when you’re only getting 16 from D. Wade, 12 from Bosh and nothing from Udonis and Rio! The only dun that did what they paid him to do last night was Mike Miller! He was 5-5 from 3-point finishing with 15 points.
They may as well have dressed and played ole popcorn eatin’ and Gatorade drinkin’ Juan Howard for what they got out of the rest of the bench bruh. San Antonio went to work last night playboy but keep in mind that you can’t expect Green and Neal to play like that for the rest of the series. There is a reason they ID’d those duns when they came in the building.
In all of the excitement nobody paid attention to Tony Parker leaving the court with the trainers because of the aggravation of a sore hamstring. He’s going to have an MRI today. If Parker can’t go that changes things for the Spurs going forward because he’s the X-factor for that team.

Don’t expect Neal and Green to be unconscious again on Thursday night because that was a once in a lifetime experience. That’s like sitting down at the black jack table next to Beyonce' and she laughs at your stupid jokes all night. Cherish the moment bruh because it ain’t gonna happen again. To win this series they're gonna need Tony Parker! 
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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