Ridin' Shotgun

LeBron: "If you gone ride then let's ride! Wade: "You can really just drop me off at my girl's crib."
Leonardo da Vinci threw down his brush and said, “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr., the best-selling author, said, “You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.” Then Jim Rohn, the motivational speaker whose rags to riches story is outstanding, shut the building down with, “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.”
It’s the freakin’ Finals playboy and LeBron James is sitting with the media saying, “I have to do whatever it takes in Game 4?” Wheredeydodatat? If you’ve made it to the Finals, the Ship, the Title, the Last Hurrah and all of the marbles are sitting on the table and there is no sense of urgency then you’ve got problems playboy. Did you have to get the brakes beat off of you realize that this is serious business? How dare I compare him to Jordan at any point in his career?

 Even when MJ was getting swept 2 out of the first 3 years of his career in the first round of the playoffs he went out swinging. He went out grabbing doors and holding on to floor with security escorting him out of the building. They're asking LeBron to leave and he's getting his coat without even cursing at a boy for putting him out at this point. Sure, he's far more talented than Jordan at this point in his life but he doesn't possess the heart that Mike brought to work every night!
LeBron doesn’t realize that he’s the only person in the car that has somewhere to go. He’s the only cat that is expected to be at work today bruh. The rest of these Joe’s; Bosh, Rio, Mike Miller, Udonis, Ray Allen etc. and oh yes Dwayne Wade have nowhere to be next week. They all have overachieved in life playa. Nobody ever expected those cats to win anything when they came out of school. Nothing, Nada, Zip!! They would have been cool just being rich!
LeBron was labeled the “Chosen One” and was plastered on the cover of Sports Illustrated at 16 years old playa! He’s been expected to become the greatest since day one so he has to win titles just to be able to eat at the same table as players like Mike, Kobe, Magic, Bird and Bill. However, he’s ridin’ around with a bunch of cats playing in the back seat that have nowhere to go. D. Wade is that dude ridin’ shotgun right now with his right hand and foot hanging out of the window enjoying the breeze.
He’s even got his freakin’ shoes and socks off letting the wind blow between his toes. When he came out of Marquette he was a good college player but there was no expectation for him to become one of the best players to ever play the game or to win multiple NBA titles. He’s won two of those joints, lives on South Beach and he’s got a bad Hollywood actress on his arm bruh. He’s got nowhere else to go playboy. He can’t believe he’s done what he’s done up to this point either, both personally and professionally. So everything else is bonus! If we’re gonna talk then let’s talk playboy!
Most boyz had never even heard of Chris Bosh coming out of Georgia Tech. Duns knew who Mario Chalmers was because he hit the 3-pointer to send the 2008 national title game into overtime where they eventually beat Derrick Rose and Memphis. However, he could have played his entire NBA career without ever winning anything and nobody would have tripped.
So let me give it to you in my straight up G.I. hood vernacular with all of it's splendor, “Why is LeBron in the ride waiting on some duns that AIN’T GOT NOWHERE TO BE when he’s already late for work? He’s down 2-1 and now he’s all of a sudden figured out that he’s behind the 8-ball?

 All they’re gonna do is drop him off at work, keep the ride all day and show up late to pick him up with the ride on "E." They don’t care because they’ve already done more than they ever imagined they could. So it’s up to LeBron to win this thing or it won’t get won. Stop me when I start lyin’!
Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! None of these cats legacies are on the line here bruh! If D. Wade never wins another title it won’t make the public a bit of difference. If Chris Bosh were to quit today boyz wouldn’t care at all. If Rio decided after the season to go back to Kansas and work at the YMCA nobody would blink but if LeBron doesn’t win 3 or 4 more titles at the very least he’s under achieved, especially with the DNA he possesses. I'm preachin' but y'all ain't listenin'!
We’ve never seen a player with the natural athletic prowess at this size and speed in our lifetime.  I’m cool with him making the right basketball plays when boyz are engaged and getting out of the ride to go to work with him. However, when he pulls up and cats are sliding over into the driver’s seat then he needs to take over as soon as he punches the time clock playa.
With that being said, I suggest he tell boyz to sit down, put your seat belts on and shut up because I’m driving. In the famous words of Big Momma, “Don’t make me have to pull this car over! And I'm NOT playin'!”
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk

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