Paying Tolls!

"Since you don't mind, take this too!"
People want to act like bullying is something that's brand new. Like all of a sudden in the past decade kids just started getting picked on. There have been bullies walking the streets and hanging out on playgrounds since the beginning of time bruh! The difference is, now days kids don't know how to handle the bully because everybody wants to be prim and proper. 

As much as I ride with LeBron he's one of those kids that didn't get the memo of how to get boyz off of his back. As talented and as genetically gifted as he is, he's the kid on the school bus getting punk'd every morning, paying tolls, giving up his lunch money and sneakers.   

He twisted his ankle falling over a cameraman, got smacked in the back by a referee and got mugged twice going up for dunks during the 98-93 win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Wednesday. Now don't get it twisted, he put up 34 points and handed out 10 assists in that joint but was taken advantage of all night long.

 During the first dunk attempt he was tackled in mid air by Russell Westbrook, got up and walked to the free throw line! Then on the second he was slapped in the face by Kevin Durant and took it. Are you kidding me bruh? Shaq, Barkley, Jordan, Kobe, Malone you name it, would have moved some furniture up in that piece for less than that. 

Dude, it was bad enough when the fans were taking shots at you last year because of the whole "Decision" situation and you never backed folks up off of you. At the minimum, go off on a reporter for asking you some dumb question or something.  But when boyz in the league start putting the "Kick Me Please" sign on your back you gotta draw the line in the oatmeal bruh. 

Let me explain something to you young blood! Bullies don't want to fight they just want to bully. Like I've said before, I was born with only half of my right arm and when I started school in one of the most notorious cities in the world, Gary, In., boyz came right at me on day one. I decided that day that I wasn't going to be the butt of the jokes. So I made a point of hitting the first cat with his mouth open every morning in kindergarten! I spent so much time in the principals office the first two or three years of school I may as well have been his assistant. I know that parents don't want to hear that but like I always say, the bully doesn't want to fight he just wants to show out in front of the other kids. 

 My parents didn't have to worry about me having an emotional break down and committing suicide because I handled it by second grade. Every now and then I had to give refresher courses up to about sixth grade because it was always some new cat entering school that didn't get the memo. 

By firing on the the bully in front of the class you put the rest of the kids on notice. Even if the bully can beat you up he never wanted to get his lip burst in the first place. By defending yourself you prove to everybody that you've got heart and now the other kids will defend you too. After a few boyz getting sent to the nurses office with swollen lips or worse I was carte blanche in the hood because the word was, "Don't mess with him unless you want to fight." Like I keep saying, bullies don't want to fight bruh! Real live cats don't have time to bully people because they're doing there own thing like Heavy D. You have to take care of it early on before kids get to an age where they start shooting. At that age it's too dangerous to be fighting. That's found in Rule 6 Section 3 Article 12 of the Hood Survival Handbook! 

That's all LeBron's got to do. He should have sacrificed the rest of the game and just went right at Westbrook instead of going to the free throw line. If Russ had been forced to do his post game interview and fly to the next city through one eye and looking like a bobble head, the rest of the class would have gotten the memo. Then LeBron could go into the playoffs without all of this foolishness. However, the sign just got bigger and cats like Joakim Noah of the Bulls can't wait to take his shoes on the way to school! I'm not telling you what I heard, I telling you what I know!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport


1 comment:

  1. It looks like We need to start reprinted those handbooks again!!! RLB


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