
"I'll see ya when I see ya!"
Shortly before the NCAA Tournament started I wrote one of the hottest joints of all time entitled "Class? What Class?" and boyz went crazy on me! It simply stated that Kentucky's Anthony Davis was wasting his time going to class because his career was in basketball not in academics. For those folks with common sense it was completely rational thinking but for those that are in the business of just blurting out what sounds good, got offended. 

Well, you're definitely not going to like what I'm about to say at this point. Now that the Wildcats have capped off their season by winning their 8th national title on Monday night with an impressive win over Kansas 67-59 it's time to bounce bruh.

 If he were my son we'd be interviewing agents on Wednesday afternoon after the celebrations and parades in Lexington are over. "Class? What Class?" We'd be cleaning his dorm room out and bumpin' that Chris Brown "Deuces" loud enough where anybody with ears could hear it.  We'd part with these words, "It was nice doing business with ya! Holla At Ya Boy!"

Our business is finished here and it's time to move on! Let's take a quick inventory of things before we pull off son. Let's see, 2012 NCAA First Team All-American (unanimous). Check!  Set the Southeastern Conference record for single-season blocked shots and NCAA Division I freshman blocked shots record. Check! Named National Freshman, Defensive Player and Big Man awards. Check!  Named the 2012 National Player of the Year by everybody with a player of the year award. Check! Won the Oscar Robertson Trophy, the Adolph Rupp Trophy, the Associated Player of the Year, Naismith Award, Sporting News Player of the Year and John R Wooden Award. Check! Named the Southeastern Conference's player, freshman and defensive player of the year. Check! Check! Check and more Check bruh! Oh yeah we just won the National Title! Double and triple Check that joint!

Like I've been saying all along, "Class? What Class?" It's time to sign with an agent so that he can start training for the NBA draft because he WILL be the #1 pick! It's that simple bruh and for those that can't understand that I can't explain it in any simpler terms. 

"Dat's my mans and nem!"
I will say this to all of the Kentucky fans out there. Ya'll owe that kid money for all of those #23 jerseys you bought this year! Don't even act like they were selling #23 Kentucky joints before he arrived on campus bruh! Also don't even act like the 30% increase in freshman applications that you'll receive in the next week happened because they just all of a sudden fell in love with the city of Lexington! Not to mention, all of the boosters that wrote big checks this morning because the Cats won the title! I'm sorry, did I mention all of the TV revenue that the school made for making it this far in the tournament? I'd say just having him on campus this year put you in debt to him because he could have gone over seas and played like Brandon Jennings did a few years ago. So I'd say you owe him money bruh. How you wanna pay him cash or cashiers check? He's from Chicago and they don't take personal checks at least not yours!

Also if I were you I wouldn't talk too much trash about this national title because knowing Calipari's history you could end up vacating the wins and pulling down the banner anyway! I'd celebrate with one eye open if I were you. Think I'm hatin'? Ask the good people at UMass and Memphis if I'm hatin' and they didn't even win a championship bruh? I'm just keepin' it real and all the way 100 because they both rang my doorbell this morning! 

I'm happy for all of those kids for handling their business. Now find out what your potential draft status is and make the next move. If it's lottery pick then I've got another copy of "Deuces" for your ride too! If not, then I've got a Trapper Keeper for you and you need to be sprinting to class on Wednesday because you haven't been there in a few weeks bruh! 

The last thing I want to say is this Anthony, if you're not going to cut the brow! Put a part in it! 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport   

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