
Dwight Howard: "I'm playin' this cat and he doesn't even know it bruh!"
A couple of months ago I wrote a joint entitled "The Firm"  detailing why players don't win titles, organizations do. Young boyz went crazy on my Twitter page calling me crazy as well as a hater. Primarily because they just didn't understand the history of the game. A lot of these young cats believe that guys like Jordan, Kobe, Magic or Bird have won multiple championships because they were great players.Yes they were great players! However, they've won because they had the full support of the organization to make the necessary moves to allow them to prosper. There have been plenty of great players that have never won a title because they wasted away in bad organizations like Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing, Dominique and Barkley just to name a few.

The Orlando Magic is a prime example of an organization that will never win a championship because they can't handle having a superstar player and the drama that goes along with it. On Thursday morning in one of the craziest and most bizarre game-day scenes in the history of the NBA took place. Stan Van Gundy confirmed a WKMG-TV report that Howard is pushing for his ouster, and did so right before the center walked through a circle of news media members and played his coach. Not only did he walk up and put his arm around Van Gundy, he called over to Jameer Nelson and gave him the high sign as to say, check me out dawg!

This type of foolishness would never have gone on in LA with the Lakers or in Boston bruh! Between those two organizations they've won more than 50% of all of the NBA titles. Boston has 17 and LA has 16 because they know how to handle situations like this. This type of thing happens all of the time but it doesn't play out in the media. Most notably, Magic Johnson got Paul Westhead fired in 1981 because he didn't like the system he was running. It didn't play out in the media because the Lakers were smart enough to know that Magic was more valuable than the coach.

The Orlando Magic just don't get it bruh. Stan Van Gundy should have been fired a while ago because Dwight doesn't want him there period or they should have traded Howard when they had the chance. They can't co-exist bruh! A smart GM would have known that. It's the NBA and that's how it works. It's a player driven league because they market individual players as opposed to teams to sell tickets. Like it or not the player is always going to be more valuable than the coach unless we're talking about Phil Jackson because he's got 11 titles under his belt and he sells tickets too.

The Magic just need to pull the trigger and let Van Gundy go now that they've kept Howard regardless of being close to the playoffs. They don't have a shot at winning a title with him as the coach because the players don't respect him. So why keep holding on to him bruh? You've got to bring someone in that understands how to coddle him just like Chicago did with Phil and Mike! Jordan was a diva in every sense of the word and Phil knew how to handle him.

 That's why Orlando had the foolishness of Howard playing games about staying vs. leaving before the trade deadline. Unfortunately, Dwight is your franchise player and money maker so regardless of how immature he may be, you've got to keep him happy and build around him. Otherwise, you get the circus that this has become. Thus, proving my point once again that players don't win titles, organizations do.

I know ya'll remember when the Chicago front office decided that they were not going to keep Phil even when Jordan said that he wasn't coming back if Phil wasn't the coach after they had won three straight in '96! Those boyz could have won at least two more but it was the "ORGANIZATION" that dropped the ball not the players bruh!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article.

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