
"Oh my bad, I thought you asked me if my WIFE was with me!" 

What did your parents always tell you when you were a kid? "If you tell the truth you won't get into trouble but if you lie, it's gonna to be worse!" That was my ole man's favorite line and boy did he mean it. Just thinking about it makes me not want to sit down bruh and ya'll know what I'm talkin' about!  
Arkansas Head Football Coach Bobby Petrino must not have gotten that speech or never experienced the repercussions of not following those directions. Nearly a week ago he crashed his motorcycle just outside of Fayetteville breaking four ribs and cracking a neck vertebra. However,he didn't want a passer-by to call 911! Instead, he got a ride back to Fayetteville and hooked up with the state trooper that handles his personal security. Up to this point it's not so bad, right? 
Well... what good ole Bobby forgot to mention to the Arkansas Athletic Director, Jeff Long, when asked about the accident was that he had a 25 year-old broad on the back of the bike! Now I'm calling her a broad because it wasn't his wife. Before the ladies reading this get all bent out of shape by me calling her a broad, I wanted to say worse but I'm a gentleman. If you're trifling enough to mess around with a married man then in my book you get no respect because you don't respect the sanctity of marriage. Holla At Ya Boy! 
 For not telling the truth, Petrino's been put on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. 
''I don't know what I'm going to find,'' Long said at a news conference Thursday night, hours after a state police report revealed that the married, 51-year-old was riding Sunday with Jessica Dorrell, a former Arkansas volleyball player who now works for the football program. Ummmm! Sounds shady to me bruh!
''I am disappointed that coach Petrino did not share with me, when he had the opportunity to, the full extent of the accident and who was involved,'' Long said.
Now you already know that the closet just popped open and it's gonna be like the Thriller video down in Fayetteville. You're about to see zombie's hanging out at the football facility practicing for the re-mix of that joint! How do I know? Because of this statement right here:
''My concern was to protect my family and a previous inappropriate relationship from becoming public,'' Petrino said in a statement released by the school. ''In hindsight, I showed a serious mistake in judgment when I chose not to be more specific about those details.''
Boom! It's about to get even more ignorant because he's admitted to the relationship! Just sit in the cut and wait for it bruh. Petrino must have taken the  "Morgan Freeman, Eddie Murphy,Teddy Pendergrass Riding Around With Women/Men/It That Don't Belong To You!" course offered at the community college bruh! The only prerequisite is that you have to be a proven liar to take that joint.

In the famous words of Big Momma's for more than 100 years, "Baby, whenever you doing something you ain't got no business doing! You gone get what? CAUGHT!" Even the word of God says, "Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!" Luke 12:3. So whether you believe in Big Momma, God or both you hit!
Remember when Petrino just bounced on the Atlanta Falcons in the middle of the season in 2007 to take the Arkansas job? He did so by writing them a note bruh! He didn't even personally address the team before he left! This guy has always had integrity issues and I know there are a lot of boyz from that Falcons team that are enjoying this foolishness play out right about now. 
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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