To Be Called A Champion!

"Cold Fingers"  Saints Super Bowl XIV
Why else would man dedicate his life to becoming the very best in his respective field? Never forgetting that in order to become the very best you've got to do more than just show up daily.
To Be Call A Champion!

 Realizing that it's the little things that add up to the ultimate goal. That extra rep, the additional hour of study, understanding that if I put in the work now, I'll reap the benefits later.
To Be Called Champion!

 Remaining disciplined today will pay off tomorrow. Never losing sight of why we're here in the first place.
To Be Called Champion!

 Why play the game if you don't want it all? Why get up in the morning if your goal is to blend in and not be seen. Leaders are in front because followers can't lead.
To Be Called A Champion!

Life is more rewarding when you set goals and push through to achieve them. We do it for one reason!
To Be Called A Champion!

There is never time to enjoy success because the mere taste of it ignites a fire to simply repeat it. That kind of thirst that can't be quenched.
To Be Called A Champion!

Never give up the pursuit of being called a winner or more importantly the Champion!

 Your goal is to always get caught holding the evidence:

Pittsburgh Steelers

Indianapolis Colts

NY Giants
We the jury find you guilty of being the Champion!

Jay Graves
follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. Love the Champion comment. Will save it for my kids to read and re-read. Again, love it!!!


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