Why Cromartie Can't Shut Up!

"Leave my money out of it"
Earlier this week Antonio Cromartie bashed the union and the league for the way negotiations are going for a new collective bargaining agreement. Then Ray Lewis and Darnell Dockett called him out  for his critical comments Wednesday, and he responded that night. "I don't give a who about Ray Lewis or [Darnell Dockett] talking about what I said," Cromartie said in a message posted on his Twitter account, according to the New York Daily News.

 On Thursday, a tweet on Seattle Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck's account said: "Somebody ask Cromartie if he knows what CBA stands for." He then responded Thursday afternoon with a tweet that said: "hey Matt if u have something to say then say it be a man about it. Don't erase it. I will smash ur face in."

Cromartie goes on to say, "There's 10's of thousand ppl who will lose jobs. They taking our healthcare away and for players that have surgery can't even get rehab once March 3rd gets here." If the sides cannot come to terms, players could be locked out when the current CBA expires March 4. Cromartie is a free agent, so his future is uncertain.

 Now everybody that believes Cromartie is concerned about people losing their jobs, stand on your head. C'mon man! Cromartie just realized Monday when he picked up his last game check that if they don't get this thing settled he's in trouble. Remember, this the same guy that got a loan from the Jets when he signed with them earlier this year to help pay his child support.

According to an article on March 9th, 2010 in the New York Post and other sources, Cromartie was forwarded $500,000 by the team in advance on his 2010 salary for paying child support to seven children by six women in five states. He just slowed down long enough to realize that he's got bills to pay. That's why he's going off. This has nothing to do with him being concerned about his colleagues and the CBA etc.

What kind of  person has seven kids by six different women? Not a very responsible one I can tell you that. So if he's that irresponsible he sure isn't handling his money right. I could see this guy crossing the picket line to play for peanuts if it came down to it. Remember back in 1988 when the league shut down and they played with substitutes called "scabs"? We'll my man Antonio would probably run out with the scabs if they would let him. He's a free agent so his future is really uncertain and all of his "baby mommas" are breathing down his neck right now. Talk about pressure.

 Desperate times call for desperate measures! That's why he's all of a sudden got so much to say about this situation. I can't wait to see what happens and how Cromartie will respond to it. I tell you what, I'll stand clear of him because this guy is ready to explode!  If the league shuts down he can't get another loan and the pay day loan joints don't give away that type of bread. What's your opinion?

Jay Graves
follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information  from New York Post and Associated Press was used in this report.

1 comment:

  1. Trust and believe...he's trying to get the talks to resume IMMEDIATELY. He was probably outside the door during the negotiations holding a prayer group that things get resolved. I'm sure his baby mamas were RIGHT there with him. LOL


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