Why duns sound stupid askin' LeBron to sit out in protest to the grandjury! "Hashtag"

Benjamin Franklin once said, "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher, gave it to us like this, "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Then Thomas Sowell, the well-known economist, broke it down like an ole pimp at a playas conventions when he spit, "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." 

Well playas...sometimes duns just jump out of the birthday cake to say anything just because they thinks that it sounds good.  On Tuesday Lebron spoke publicly for the first time since the dull Cleveland grand jury decided not to press charges against the two police officers that killed 12 year old Tamir Rice. LeBron was bein' intelligent by tellin' boyz that he was slow to react because he didn't have all of the details which makes sense and it was very smart of him. 

However, some dun who is an activist and writer named Tariq Toure' created a #hashtag on Twitter #NoJusticeNoLeBron callin' for ole boy sit out of games in protest of the grand jury's decision. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! How are you goin' to tell that man what he should do in protest of the decision? That's HIS job bruh! You sound like a complete idiot tryin' to tell a boy not to go to his OWN job and provide for his OWN family because YOU'RE pissed off about somethin'. 

Sure, the grand jury was DEAD wrong and boyz should be outraged that the police can just run up on a kid and kill him without even attemptin' figure out what was goin' on. ANYBODY with any common decency would be upset about it. But you can't tell a boy to sit out of games in protest because not only does it hurt him but it hurts his TEAM that is tryin' to win a championship this year. Whether or not they win it this year is irrelevant. You can't tell a boy to completely tank his season because you're pissed off about somethin'. Why don't you stay at home and don't go to work? 

LeBron is one of the few high profiled athletes in the history of sports that will speak out on foolishness when it occurs. He lent his name and image to the cause in 2012 after Trayvon Martin was killed and George Zimmerman initially wasn't arrested. So he and the entire Miami Heat team put on hoodies in support of the young man and posted a photo on Twitter. That image alone drew all kinds of attention to the situation that millions of people knew nothin' about at the time. Last season he commented publicly  on the Michael Brown situation in Ferguson. He supported the "I Can't Breathe" movement when ole boy Eric Garner was killed by New York police. 

So he has a penchant for speakin' out on social issues bruh! Unlike ole dull Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods but you've never even asked them to open their mouths. However, you've got on a pair of Jordan's while you're screamin' at LeBron to miss games. Wheredeydodatat? I'll tell you where playa! In the ghetto where Mike always gets a pass but has done absolutely nothin' for the people in it but sell them shoes!  

But now some fool wants LeBron to sit out of games to satisfy their thirst for protest. He doesn't need to sit out of games to comment on the situation or make a stand against the injustice that has taken place. Why doesn't Tariq and all of the duns that are followin' him on this #NoJusticeNoLeBron hashtag not to go to work? They'll look at you like you're crazy because they can't afford to miss work. Sure, financially LeBron could miss work but he's tryin' to win games and win championships playa! His legacy is on the line and he doesn't have to miss games to speak out on the injustice in this world. Stop it! You sound crazy Now if he decides that he wants to do that then that's completely up to him not some dun makin' up hashtags. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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