How to tell the dun is lyin' about lyin' on Peyton bruh! "Ole Pimp Willie"

"These duns here bruh!" 
Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, once said, "Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable." Albert Einstein gave it to us like this, "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge." Then Dr. Seuss, poured out a lil' liquor for all the dead homies when he spit, "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."

Well playas...ain't nobody laughin' at Peyton Manning's house this mornin'! Not when a dun has alleged that he was takin' HGH in 2011 to recover from the multiple neck surgeries that almost ended his career. On Sunday mornin' an Al Jazeera documentary was posted online and set to air on television later Sunday with reports that ole boy was supplied with human growth hormone by a pharmacist named Charlie Sly who was an employee of Guyer Institute of Indianapolis an anti-aging clinic. This dun, Sly, got loose at the mouth while talkin' to an undercover reporter and started namin' all kind of boyz. Not only did he spit Peyton but he hollered Phillies first baseman, Ryan Howard, Nationals infielder, Ryan Zimmerman and Mike Tyson. Then when the story exploded in his lap the dun with diarrhea of the mouth tried to pull it back! 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Ima give it to you like Ole Pimp Willie from down at the shoe shine joint used to say, "Once you shoot the gun playa, you can't get the bullets back." Don't back off of the story now bruh! You just threw MAJOR athletes under the bus! Either you supplied them with HGH or you didn't? 

What blows my mind about this story is how the dull media is so skeptical about believin' this fool because Peyton's name is in the report. If Manning weren't involved "allegedly" they'd be killin' Ryan Howard, Zimmerman and Mike Tyson this mornin'. Not only did ole boy out those cats but he hit Derek Jeter and James Harrison too. 

Now here's how you know when a boy is lyin' about lyin' about Peyton. This cat told ESPN that he was just testin' the undercover reporter's reportin' skills. That's like tellin' the undercover narc after you get popped for tryin' to sell him 10 kilos that you were just testin' him to see if he knew how to follow procedure. 

Then this fool, Sly, tried to tell a boy that he was an intern with the company in 2013 and not in 2011 like he'd originally told them. So now this dun doesn't know when he worked there and shipped one of the highest profiled quarterbacks of ALL-TIME drugs? You must think I'm Willie Foo-Foo or Jimmy Jughead or somebody. 

Now do I believe that Peyton Manning took any HGH? It's highly plausible playa. He was comin' off of multiple surgeries and he was 146 years old at the time. Why do boyz take HGH? To help their bodies recover faster after injuries. So do I think he took them? I wouldn't put it past him because the Colts were about to drop that dun like a bad habit and he had no idea if he'd ever play again. Then all of a sudden he goes to Denver and balls out and takes them to the Super Bowl. You mean you wasn't scratchin' your head bruh? AND HE'S HUMAN! But I wasn't there bruh! So I don't know. 

What I do know is that these fake media-types are givin' him too much benefit of the doubt when it's obvious that this Sly cat is lyin' like a bear rug tryin' to put the bullets back in the gun. Now I do think that this fool got hyped and started throwin' names around recklessly? You darn right I do! Because to scream out Mike Tyson's name was far fetched. Mike hasn't been in the ring since 2005! What would that dun need HGH for? Well...Mike might be body slammin' boyz for the heck of it just for walkin' through his yard or spittin' on his sidewalk. And that's the edited version. 

Then ole boy starts sayin' that non of those cats he named were clients of Guyer Institute but Peyton has already admitted that he was a client there and that he went in the mornings and at times in the evenin' at 5:15 after practice. So either he was a client or he wasn't bruh? Sly can't say that he wasn't and Peyton is tellin' boyz that he was. So the fact is, Peyton WAS messin' with these cats! Now I don't know whether he was buyin' drugs from them or not but the dun was in the car. That's like gettin' caught in the crack house and tellin' the cops you were just in there playin' cards. 

When you finish peelin' this onion back it's gonna be a dirty needle in it playa. Why? Because when boyz start talkin' and throwin' names out. The pocket that bought the loyalty in the first place has run dry. The same rules that govern the streets, govern pro sports and the rest of society. A drug dealer is a dealer whether he's in the ghetto or in the penthouse on Michigan Ave. When the Feds close in boyz start talkin' and ain't nobody laughin' now! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Popped: verb - to get arrested (in this context) to be drunk (in another context) 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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Facebook: TheJayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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