The REAL reason why Kobe isn't upset that the Lakers are HORRIBLE right now! "Iron"

Mad? I ain't mad at all bruh!" 
Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese poet and philosopher, once said, "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." Soren Kierkegaard, the 19th century Danish philosopher, gave it to us like this, "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." Then Nikos Kanzantzakis, the Greek writer and philosopher, shut the buildin' down when he spit, "Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality." 

Well playas...the reality is that the Lakers suck worst than they've EVER sucked in the history of Laker Nation! So since we cannot change reality, boyz have to change the eyes which see reality. After gettin' the brakes beat off of them on Thursday night by the Houston Rockets and ole dull Buster Brown 107-87. These ole fake media-types were tryin' to act like they were surprised to see Kobe in such a good mood after the game in the locker. These duns were on television and radio talkin' about how much of a competitor Kobe was over the course of his career and now he seems to be content with gettin' blasted every night! These cats are 4-22 at this point bruh.  

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Who is he goin' to blame for the Lakers bein' HORRIBLE? He's the reason why the team is in shambles right now bruh! He'd look like a darn fool hollerin' about the team bein' a mess at this point! And that's the edited version! 

This dun robbed them for an additional $48 million after he was already makin' $30 million rehabbin' from his Achilles tear. Now I'm not mad at a boy for gettin' his bread but when you take the bread knowin' that you can't be the 1st option but you're still tellin' boyz that you are is a problem. By doin' that he ran off and scared off EVERY potential free agent that would have even thought about goin' to LA over the past 4 years. Why and how? Because no legitimate superstar free agent was gonna sign up to ride shot gun until that dun decides to retires. Wasn't gonna happen bruh.  

So therefore, any free agent that would have even thought about movin' to LA didn't. That's why he's playin' with the Cosby Kids right now bruh! Have you seen that roster? Oh yeah playa, Kobe drove that franchise off of the side of the Santa Monica Pier two years ago and I told you that he was doin' it but you wouldn't listen. Now that the skeletons are fallin' out of the closet you wanna listen to me. 

So please don't act like you're surprised that dun isn't pissed that the Lakers are gettin' kicked around the league like a can in the ghetto. He knows that he's responsible for this foolishness and he'd look like a complete fool trippin' about it now. It's like a cat that knows he left the iron on in the crib and he later finds out that the joint completely burns to the ground. The fireman comes out and tells the family that it was the iron. Who is he gonna curse out? That's Kobe right now bruh! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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