Top 10 NonSense (Why duns that say these freshmen aren't READY for the NBA sound foolish)

In my Harlem Nights voice, "Weady s%&! yeah! I'm Weady!"
Williams James, the famous philosopher and psychologist, once said, “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.” Mark Twain gave it to us like this, “It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” Then the big homie, Robert Frost, settled the argument with, “Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.”

He must have been talking to all of these clowns on TV telling the world that all of these “One and Done” cats aren’t ready to go to the NBA. Every time I look up some former player like Charles Barkley is saying that these cats aren’t ready and then fools that can’t think for themselves agree with him.

First of all, if the freakin’ NBA is gonna draft them in the first round then they’re ready! If they meet the criteria to be ranked in the top 30 players (1st round) in the world then they’re ready. Stop with all of this foolishness and lyin’ to folks playboy. The question is; are they willing to enter the draft?

Duns act like that in order to get drafted you’ve got to be an impact or franchise player. That’s ignorant! Not everybody in the top 10 of the draft is going to be a superstar. There are only 12 All-Stars in the East and 12 in the West and there is a reason for that pimpin’. Everybody can’t be LeBron, Kobe, KD, CP3 or Melo etc. bruh!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Somebody has to be a role player bruh. Somebody has to be a sixth man and so on and so forth. There are duns that have played their entire careers in the league and have never even started a game before. So you telling me that they aren’t ready to play in the NBA means that they can’t make a roster. That’s sounds dumb if you just take the time to say it out loud.

Here’s my “non-thinking for himself” sports fan screamin’ at the top of his lungs, “Jay you sound like a fool! Every cat that is a Top 10 pick should be a franchise player!” Oh really? Sit down and let me take you to school real quick big playa.

There are gangs of cats that have been drafted in the Top 10 that played for years and never became a "franchise" player. Were they not ready? Let’s start with Rex Chapman drafted No. 8 overall in ’88 and played for 12 years. I could go back further but why? Then there’s Pervis Ellison in ’89 that went No. 1 and played for 11 years, Danny Ferry in ’89 went No.2 played 14 years, Shawn Bradley in ’93 went No. 2 played 12 years. Do I need to go on playa?

Since you don’t believe that fat meat is greasy I will. Donyell Marshall went No.5 played 15 years, Glenn “Big Dawg” Robinson my homeboy went No.1 played 11 years, Darius Miles went No. 3 played 9 years, Bobby Hurley went No. 7 played 5 years, Shawn Livingston went No. 4 played 9 years, Johnathan Bender went No. 5 played 11 years until his knees gave him the shaft. Don't let me EVER forget Kwami "freakin'" Brown who went No.1 overall and played 12 years in the league.

Then there are duns like Corey Brewer that went No.7 in ’07 and Michael Beasley in ’08 that went No. 2 that are still in the league. So don’t tell me that in order to be considered “ready” you gotta be a franchise player because none of the duns I just named were. Glenn may be the closest to becoming one but he never really turned the corner either.

Y’all get caught up in listening to some fool that used to play instead of pulling up the facts. Just because a boy is a Hall of Famer doesn’t mean that he’s a student of the game and knows the history of it. It just means that he could play. Facts are facts playboy and you don’t have to be a Hall of Famer to know them.

Keep this in mind too, the very cats that are saying that boyz should stay in school got rich playing basketball in the NBA! How much hypocrisy can you stomach bruh?

Now if boyz we're saying that guys like Andrew Wiggins, Jabari Parker and Julius Randle aren’t ready to be superstars right now I’d agree. But to say that they aren’t ready to play in the NBA is asinine! Because if they aren’t then who is? There are cats in the league right now that they are better than. So don't tell me that they aren't ready.

They’re going to hold the draft in June regardless. So if the scouts tell them that they’re going to be Top 10 picks you sound like a fool telling them that they aren’t ready.

Let me give you some food for thought playboy that an old timer once gave me. “You are ALWAYS worth whatever somebody is willing to pay you!” So for the clowns telling these kids that they need to stay in school another year stop talking to hear yourself talk. You’re speaking purely from a fans perspective and guess what pimpin’? The player cares nothing about how you feel about the NBA's fan appeal. That’s not their concern. He’s taking the job that’s being offered to him and you would too. So stop making a fool of yourself even repeating that foolishness.

Unless the clowns spittin’ that ignorance are freakin’ prophets how do they know who’s gonna become a franchise player and who won’t? So young fella, I say take the guaranteed bread and tell these haters to kick rocks. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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